Feb 28, 2006 22:47
As of late I have been happy. I'm normally the type of person who just stays home and leaves everyone alone but my friends have been pretty awesome as of late as far as judging me and stuff. I really wish I wouldnt do some things sometimes but I really cant help it. Its like last night I was hanging out with the wrong crowd and I have to stop that. And I finally stopped with all my drama as far as being alone and stuff. I realize that I dont need someone in my life to make me happy but I definitely want someone around to just hang out with. And theres a couple of people that do make me happy everytime we're together but I'm just hoping that it doesnt turn out to be more than what it is which is just friends. I like someone but I dont think she knows and to tell the truth I rather have it that way. Our friends would most likely not approve so I rather just keep it the way it is. I just wish sometimes I cold act on my feeling without worrying what people think but I really dont want to piss anyone off. I love all my friends to death but I dont see why it matters who I want to be involved with even if it is someone they dont want me getting involved with. No none of you know who I might be talking about and dont ask. And John no its not who your thinking.
Work has been pretty stressful as of late but it seems that I am going to be permenantly at the Falls location which is freakin awesome. I love that property. I'm also going to get a raise and a storage unit for free. I really need that unit so I can empty my garage and stick my car in it when I get the new car. Speaking of the new car, I am getting really frustrated with this shit. This woman is like the biggest procrastanator of life. Its like I have the money to give her I just want her to give me the damn car. But that car is definitely worth waiting for I am completely in love with that car. And I have big plans for it no crazy body kits or anything just pure power. Oh yea another thing I've been racing alot. I think one of these days I am going to get in trouble. But the rush of racing is awesome and the money isnt too bad either. So I guess for now I will keep racing.