soooo sick

Dec 14, 2007 08:25

So it's Friday and I've been really sick since Monday. But on Mon, Tues and Wed I went to work. On Wed afternoon I went to the doctor and he asked me how I had been going to work so sick LOL. He told me that if I hadn't have come in soon, I would have probably been in the hospital. Good thing I came thing then huh doc? Anyway, I have a super bad upper respiratory thing going on like I always get, but it seems worse this time, almost as bad as the time I had it in PA like 6 years ago when I quit smoking for the first time.

Well let me rewind. I quit smoking again in August, and then just like 2 weeks ago starting smoking here and there cause I was stressed, but quit again on Monday. So yeah, I'm done dude. I can't deal with this anymore. I'm sure that all the years that my parents smoked in the house and that I smoked took it's toll on my lungs and I really can't add anymore smoke into them. I am now on an inhaler and anitibiotics and some other stuff but still feel like death. BUT I have to go to work, cause I don't have any sick time and I need to get paid.

I have a bag all packed with a bunch of water, green tea, my favorite mug, my inhaler, my antibiotics, and some other make me feel better when I am sick things that I'm taking to work with me LOL. I have my voice back enough at least to talk to my co workers but I don't think I'll be talking too much on the phones just yet. Don't want the clients to think we make our employees come to work sick! I'm not contagious anymore so there isn't any reason I shouldn't be at work!

Anyway, I just wanted to complain a little since that is what I'm known for. I have lots more to say but my right hand is numb. Another side affect of my great new medication Topamax which doesn't seem to be having any of the good side affects like making me want to eat less! LOL we'll see. you just never know how these stupid drugs are going to work on one person compared to others. I was hoping that if I took it with the lithium, it would balance out and help me at least not gain anymore weight since I'm like three million pounds already.

Wow this turned out to be a bitch fest, I'm really sorry to anyone who has read this far, I would have turned back if I were you. I'm truely sorry to have put you through such misery, I hope you like me normally and this is just a fluke!

Off to work!
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