✪ Second Star: It Came From the Dairy Aisle Halloween Event ✈ [Backdated]

Nov 02, 2011 01:51

[Day 1]
[Given the fact everyone in his household were already drones, he didn't notice a shift in their behavior. Although the children's enthusiasm for his efforts to completely deck his house out in preparation for Halloween was nothing short of a disappointment. But when he went out today to buy some more fake cobwebs to decorate his yard with, he noticed the entire town had been attacked by some psychotic gardener or something to that effect. Pods everywhere! Were genetically mutated peas in there? Wanting to find out, he would immediately open the one closest to him.]

[Day 2]
[Yesterday was insane. People were actually in those pods and not to mention running into some aggressive doppelgangers. But today was another day and he was going to get those cobwebs. And so, after a morning cup of coffee, he exits towards town. For a second, he swears he saw something in the sky but because he was staring, he did not notice the wave of gelatinous ooze until it was too late. He tries to swim out of it, but it seems he's rather suspended! Freaking now since he didn't think one could breathe well in ooze, he starts to flail and scream, successfully getting a mouthful of ooze.]

. . .


. . . . . . .

[Guess who's freestyling and grabbing a bite on the go, Mayfield?]

[Day 4]
Holy crap.

[Talk about needing to call an exterminator! Giant bugs everywhere! Was there some hidden nuclear plant that exploded or something? He'd have to look into that later. But for now, he's going to be shouting into the phone to anyone that happens to be on.]

Alright, everyone stay calm! I'm sure you've seen the giant invasive force that will try to kill us all BUT all is not lost! If we work together, we can stave off this creepy, crawly menace! Who's with me?!

[Day 6]
[All around town Alfred will be sharply-dressed with his cape held up towards his face to conceal it as if he were so clever to do so. When he sees someone he recognizes, he will hum the James Bond theme--sometimes switching it up to Mission Impossible-- as he stalks them very slowly and rather obviously. Such as hiding behind bushes or around building corners yet with that strange cowlick of his sticking up like a red flag it makes it kind of obvious it was him. He will also be occasionally snickering. Oh what will his poor victims ever do to avoid this?]

Man, everything was pretty crazy wasn't it? But it all ended up in a party after all! With jack-o-lanterns, a dance, and lots of food! And it was in an alien saucer! The saucer still seems to be here, though. I think I'll poke around it some more in a bit. Anyone wanna come with?

crazy shit, -cain, -keyfu, halloween, event, -engie, -kono, -misfit

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