| Accidental Video |

Nov 08, 2011 23:12

[The video feed cuts on askew. The owner of this device certainly didn't mean to turn it on. In fact, the owner is obviously very preoccupied. The feed is at an angle, and what that angle reveals is of Cole, crawling on his hands and knees, sheer stone walls behind him, across a floor completely obscured by the thick layer of shattered glass covering it. A harsh light cast from above glitters on all the sharp edges of various colors, many of which are also smeared with blood. While Cole's clothes are black, there are tears in several places, and an intense grimace on his face speaking for the pain he must surely be feeling of all the blood and sounds covering his knees, hands, and forearms are any indication.

One hand he holds closely to his torso, wrapped around his midsection, and while blood seeps slowly from between those fingers, it does little to hamper his search through the razer-sharp debris. Behind him can be seen rungs stained with bloody hand-prints, a ladder leading up. He hasn't noticed the video feed.]

wildcats: priscilla kitaen [voodoo], uncharted: elena fisher, !wildcats: cole cash [grifter], supernatural: castiel, wildcats: charis [nemesis]

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