◆ 13 - [video]

Nov 09, 2011 01:13

[The video feed on someone's monitor clicks on, and a most horrific torture scene is taking place.

The owner of this tablet is being pummeled mercilessly by...teddy bears. Once the relentless onslaught dies down, the tablet is unceremoniously dropped to the floor, and shows the faces of three children: a boy and girl with light hair that look related, and another boy with brown hair in a beanie. There's a brief pause, and the kid in the beanie gets attacked with stuffed animals once more.]

Cut it out! Haha! You guys are hittin' harder than I do!

You volunteered to be the monster, Shinji! [The little girl chirps.]

Yeah, that's right! And now I'm gonna destroy everything.

[Everything being a building block town only a few feet away. Shinjiro stands up and curls a mischievous grin, stomping towards Akihiko and Miki like Godzilla. He locks hands with Akihiko, and they eventually both crash into the construction.]

Hehehe! And it's just pretend, so you're not really destroying things.

Yeah. It's not like when adults destroy stuff. Then people get hurt and sad. [Shinjiro doesn't seem to notice the dark tone of their voices.] Or worse, and-

Big brother, quit talking about that! Nothing's going to change. Everything's going to stay the same now! [And Miki's voice grows softer.] Everyday. Forever.

[Miki smiles sinisterly into the tablet, then sets it against the wall, leaving it on to record.]

marvel: laura kinney, !persona 3: shinjiro aragaki, marvel: remy lebeau, persona 3: minako arisato

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