Jun 19, 2005 12:38
Summer has begun.
It hasn't been very fulfilling so far. I'm very anxious for governor's school.
I got my roommate, Courtney English from Fredricksburg whom is going to gov school
for dance.
Tomorrow is Alan and I one year! It doesn't seem like we've been together that long.
We aren't going to celebrate it till next week when I don't have to work and I don't need
to be home for my mom when she gets her surgery on Tuesday. Yesterday I went to this India
festival and it was cool, there were dances, food and music. I got a henna tattoo as well.
It was held in the Indian cultural center on Iron Bridge...I wish there were more Iranians so we
could have our own center as well.
Today is Father's Day and I got my dad suspenders.
I'm going to have a 'going away' party on July 2nd, the day before gov school..so clear your
calendar! There is only one day when I can come home from 8 in the morning to 8 in the afternoon in the middle of July and so I’m going to have a little get together then too. Until then, I need to start hanging out with more people and doing things that I couldn't
wait for school to let out for me to do.
I think thats about it