I'm on Facebook now. The immediate use (distinguishing it from MySpace et al.) seems to be connecting my contact info to my real name in an easy-to-find place that still gives me veto power over who sees it. It's nicely designed, I like it. MySpace will still be better for music, I suspect.
I've been even less social than usual the past few weeks, thanks to everything in August.
Quick outline of what August has been like:
- 8/2 - 8/10: HafenGeist shows for Minnesota Fringe, help my mom deal with my grandmother's passing.
- 8/11 - 8/14: Drive to Alabama and back for the funeral.
- 8/16: Move some boxes.
- 8/18 - 8/24: Help my mom clear out the old apartment, move furniture, move equipment from our soon-to-be-former studio space.
- 8/25: Go with my mom to the hospital for her total knee replacement.
- 8/26+: Hospital visits, prep for stage managing Djinn Hardcore, finish emptying out the studio.
I'm really looking forward to September. I could use a week or two of downtime.
I need to figure out what I'm doing musically for the next few months, make appropriate plans, and completely redesign a web site or two accordingly. I neglected my piano over the summer, and I've got a challenging piece I should have ready by November. I need new business cards, and I think I need to register a new business name.
No Halloween plans so far, but probably something for 11/1 that hasn't been announced yet.
Waking up at 3:45 a.m. with an insight into social modeling is a mixed blessing.
Scrabble is Go with words.
I live about 500 miles from
Normal. Yep.
Need to figure out when to visit Fest.