A kiss can do a lot of things.
That's what Rose claimed in I Capture the Castle.
And she was damn right.
I didn't really start thinking about it until recently.
I thought Vivian was crazy in Pretty Woman when she gave Edward that no-kissing-on-the-mouth-rule while having sex --or making love, whichever term you prefer. I would've kissed Eddie over and over and over again.
But that's just me.
Vivian claimed that kissing would create a sort of bond between them, preventing her from doing her job with no strings attached. (for the clueless: she's a hooker --or prostitute-- in the movie!) I thought: "BS! A kiss is just a kiss. Nothing more, nothing less."
Who would've predicted that I would be eating my own words?
When I was eleven, Kathryn showed me a more open-minded, I-don't-give-a-shit-who-I-kiss attitude that I approved of greatly in Cruel Intentions. She was slutty. She was bitchy. She never got her heart broken. She dominated boys' minds. I wanted to be her.
When I hit my teenage years, I got my wish.
Amidst mid-teenagehood, I got a chance to watch Never Been Kissed.
Josie Geller shared her thought on kissing, something she had never experienced before.
That thing, that moment, when you kiss someone and everything around you becomes hazy and the only thing in focus is you and this person and you realize that that person is the only person that you're supposed to kiss for the rest of your life, and for one moment you get this amazing gift and you want to laugh and you want to cry because you feel so lucky that you found it and so scared that that it will go away all at the same time.
Once again, I thought: "What a load of bull! A kiss is just a kiss. Nothing more, nothing less."
I am eighteen now.
And I have experienced all you can possibly dream of. Almost.
I have learned that a kiss can do a lot of things.
It can make you laugh. It can make you cry. It can make you warm and fuzzy inside. It can make butterflies go wild in your tummy. It can make you want to throw up. It can make you gag.
It can make you smile at the simple memory of it.
I have learned that the no-kissing-on-the-mouth-during-sex rule really does prevent an unwanted bond from happening.
If you kiss someone on the mouth while having sex and you don't hear from him in a while, you go nuts thinking about him. Because the kisses made you believe there was a connection somewhere, even when there really wasn't. By avoiding the kisses, the heartbreaks will also be avoided.
No kisses, no emotional connections.
No emotional connections, no going crazy in the middle of the night.
I have learned that kissing a lot of guys will give you a bad rep. A very bad rep.
Sure, the guys will swarm after you. But that's only because they'll start seeing you as an easy target. And teenage boys are, well, kiss-and-tellers. And words, in high school, spread like wild fire.
Basically, it gets you screwed.
I have learned that there is that one kiss you will never forget.
That kiss that where everything around you becomes hazy. When you and the guy --or girl, whichever you prefer-- are all that matters. When you know he's the one you want to kiss for the rest of your life. It's so amazing that you almost cry for joy. Or you actually do --after the guy has left, of course.
I've had that kiss. But he's miles away now.
I hope you've learned something from this.
And I hope that you kiss with care.
Because if there's one thing I regret in my eighteen years of living, it's giving away too many of my precious kisses that should have all been saved for that guy I mentioned in the previous paragraph.....
.....when I see him again.