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new_moon_prince November 20 2010, 04:18:31 UTC
After stewing in remorse for what felt like an eternity it was no surprise Silver rushed his way over towards her dorm the moment he found out he returned. After staring at her door for approximately 15 minutes and 35 seconds he finally decided that, yes, it would undoubtedly be a much better decision to knock rather then let himself in. After all, they had a huge fight before she left so now more then ever would be the proper time to actually think before doing something like breaking and entering, even if that was something he usually had no issues with.

There was a hesitant knock on the door.


umbreon_blacky November 20 2010, 04:28:11 UTC

... )


Give it another week or two, then he'll be out of your hair forever. new_moon_prince November 20 2010, 04:40:34 UTC
Silver was far less interested in her new habit and far more interested in that look on her face. This wasn't going to be easy at all... still, he found himself tapping into his inner resolve. He wasn't going to give up on this so long as he still loved her.

"We need to talk..."

He voice sounded unnerved however his eyes would have likely betrayed him in his quiet pain and desperation, as eyes usually do.


;_; Silvy umbreon_blacky November 20 2010, 04:46:30 UTC

... )


I predict he will be very tsuntsun with her before eventually caving new_moon_prince November 20 2010, 05:01:38 UTC
"You know what..." he grumbled while calculating someway to bypass her. He hated being seen in a vulnerable state just as much as he hated even feeling vulnerable. He was still operating under the assumption that her absence was entirely his own fault for being an ass and then ignoring her when she was really out of it when he was still angry at her over the whole ordeal.


Being tsuntsun? NO, THAT'S CRAZY. He would never-- umbreon_blacky November 20 2010, 16:54:42 UTC
"No, I don't." She took the tiniest of puffs from the cigarette and struggled to hold it down. She lasted three seconds before hunching over and coughing violently. ACE SMOKER.

Now's your chance, Silver!


I KNOW IT SOUNDS SO UNLIKE HIM BUT JUST HEAR ME OUT ON THIS new_moon_prince November 21 2010, 02:33:08 UTC
Like the sneaky little scumbag opportunist he was, he took this moment to slip right past her and into her dorm. He had never been in there before but he had at least expected a little more decor. Girls were into things like magazines and pokedolls and stuff, right? but there was hardly anything here but some books and flowers. Still, that was the least of his concerns right now, as he darted away from the door. If Blacky wanted him out she would have to drag him out.

That cough was a bit concerning, but he was determined to resolve this little fiasco before being kicked out.

"Don't act like you don't remember!" you would think he would be acting like his usual raging asshole self given his choice of words but there wasn't any anger in his voice, only frustration.

you see he broke into Lyra's dorms and read her magazines and it said girls like those dark mysterious moody types and he misread that as "girl like it when guys are jerks" so he's just gonna go with that. ok no but that would explain a lot


THAT'S NOT TRUE... THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE umbreon_blacky November 21 2010, 02:44:06 UTC

... )


NOOOOOOOOO- I MEAN YEEEEEEEEEEEEEES new_moon_prince November 21 2010, 04:26:04 UTC
Silver took the glass if only for the sake of not being horribly rude despite JUST invading her dorm, but didn't drink. "We got into a fight before you left..." he reminded her, despite his very apparent frustration there was still a hint of sadness behind that. Even if he was a grumpy 12 year old it didn't change the fact that he was here because life without the person you love is lonely and painful.


Re: NOOOOOOOOO- I MEAN YEEEEEEEEEEEEEES umbreon_blacky November 21 2010, 04:31:39 UTC

... )


BLOWN OUT OF PROPORTION DOESN'T EVEN BEGIN TO DESCRIBE IT new_moon_prince November 21 2010, 05:03:20 UTC
"I don't like lectures." he blurted defensively as a knee-jerk response. That wasn't what he really wanted to tell her, however. What he really wanted to say was that he was wrong, he knew he was wrong and he wanted help getting on the right track. Now that glass of water seemed to be that most fascinating glass of water in the entire universe. Admitting this was going to crush his ego hard even if it was necessary. "It's just..." he trailed off fidgeting a little. This really sucked and he wished there was some way around it. "I still love you. I know I need... to treat my pokemon with more love." Well, at least he got part of what he wanted to say out. Unfortunately he just felt worse instead of better


EVERYTHING IS A BIG DEAL WHEN YOU'RE 12 umbreon_blacky November 21 2010, 17:15:42 UTC

... )


ESPECIALLY CRUSHES new_moon_prince November 22 2010, 08:09:07 UTC
There was a bit of silence before his next bought of confessions.

"I have to... train my heart first if I want to be the best trainer."

Though at the moment he sounded more sad then anything else, he still kept a good job of keeping his composure and neither imploding or exploding into this hurt and weepy little kid he really was under all of his usual aggression.


TOO BAD IT'S GONNA CRUSH... HIS HEART. umbreon_blacky November 22 2010, 13:50:21 UTC

... )



... )


IT'LL NEVER WEAR OFF. ONCE YOU GO BLACKY YOU NEVER GO BACKY umbreon_blacky November 23 2010, 03:17:11 UTC

... )


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