Our Toronto trip has been a bit over a week long, and I've accumulated so many tabs. :/ Quite a few are articles I want to read and possibly linkspam, but wow, so many are posts from the lot of you that I haven't read or commented on yet. They'll all get read; we'll see how the commenting goes. >.>
I'd pick away at them now, but I need to go finish packing and get to sleep. Tomorrow evening we see our kitties!!!
I don't have photos of my own yet, and I'll hopefully write a proper post on the experience later, but I'm all freshly tattooed and very happy with the result. *^^*
I also see that several of you have also been posting about tattoos, which makes me happy. To recycle what I said to
scruloose after seeing an older lady with purple, red-streaked hair on the subway today (I admired it aloud), "[Tattoos/purple hair] for everyone! Everyone who wants [them/it]!"
Oh, and I've unofficially been assigned a new series to rewrite. ^_^ Yay!
Originally posted at
http://umadoshi.dreamwidth.org/716565.html. Comment here if you like, or
comment there using OpenID. Comments at DW: