Going to Toronto is travel, obviously. And being in Toronto is fun and wonderful.
But Toronto is not "vacation". (And even if it were, the linkspam would continue to pile up, because I still haven't remotely learned the knack of simply not clicking on links or wanting to pass them on just because I don't actually have time for any of it.)
So here, have an unsorted heap of links:
Do all interested parties know that
the100 is a thing now? ^_^
Going by the YouTube vids at
Undented.com's post, Tori Amos' (second) recent show in Finland was amazing. I love the "Beauty Queen/Horses" performance, and "Secret Spell" is so much more appealing to me as a slower solo song than the album version is. (Alas, while the YouTube vid of "Secret Spell" is good enough quality to listen to while knowing it's an audience-shot video, the audio levels are too inconsistent to make it worth ripping and tossing into a general playlist. ;_;)
"31 Times Chris Pratt Was Perfection In Human Form".
"Director John Waters On How To Live A Creative, Disruptive Life". [I've only read the article, not watched the full video.]
"21 Incredible Photos Of The Places Where One Country Ends And Another Begins".
The clickbait headline is even more awful than clickbait titles generally are (can this trend please go away?!), but the photos are neat:
"Shocking Pics Of People Living In Incredibly Tiny Rooms In Japan".
Drone footage of Halifax (filmed, as the article notes, by "by one of Canada’s foremost privacy lawyers").
At Buzzfeed:
"This Is What Ariel Would Look Like If She Evolved In Different Ocean Environments".
Via Facebook:
A Humane Society executive director breaks down the stats on how homeless cats wound up at their shelter. ;_;
"Toshiro Mifune to get a star on Hollywood Walk of Fame".
"Rolling suitcase with built-in desk is perfect for mobile businesspeople and cosplayers alike".
"Dalai Lama's 80th Birthday Wish Is That We All Live #WithCompassion".
"Couple Sails the World with Their Cat".
Photos of the incredibly colorful Pantone hotel (described in the article's subheader as "a perfect vacation experience for those who prefer their colors in numbered blocks").
"Meet the Hijabi Lolita".
"Cat stationmaster Tama mourned in Japan and elevated as goddess".
--*g* Buzzfeed discusses
"Disasters You Can Expect Now That Marriage Equality Is Here". The horror!
Originally posted at
http://umadoshi.dreamwidth.org/607191.html. Comment here if you like, or
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