Mostly social justice and otherwise unsorted linkspam tonight:
Photos of cats in kimono.
"Stray Kitten Befriends Famous Wildlife Photographer By Using Irresistible Cat Tricks".
Social Justice
At Jezebel:
"New Study, Also Everyone You Know: Dudes Lie When They Feel Weak". "The study’s co-author, Benoit Monin, says both studies reinforce the idea that “men are under very strong prescriptive norms to be a certain way, and they work hard to correct the image they project when their masculinity is under threat.” [...] These sorts of assumptions about gender make for some of the thorniest relationship problems, because in order to sort them out, you need an incredible degree of awareness in the first place. So many men learn compensatory behaviors-stoicism, aggression, flat-out lying-from so early on that these traits become ingrained to the point of permanence."
lizcommotion posted
"Why you should talk to your kids about consent early, because sex-parts don't just turn on at 18". [Content warning: non-graphic accounts of sexual harassment and assault.]
"Why Are There So Many More Disabled People Now?" "A common refrain that is often espoused these days by the able-bodied is, “Why are there so many more disabled children today than when I was growing up?” To many, the seeming “epidemic” levels of disabilities such as autism, ADHD, learning disabilities, and so on is frighteningly high. Looking to answers such as an abundance of pesticides, vaccines, ultrasounds, “chemicals” and other culprits is increasingly common as people search for an answer... the answer to the burning question of why there are so many more disabled children now is this: They used to be institutionalized and were kept out of society at much higher rates."
At Everyday Feminism:
"What If We Treated All Consent Like Society Treats Sexual Consent?" --
"The Media Is Lying to You About Men’s Emotions, And It’s Really F*cked Up - Here’s a Healthier View".
"Gaslighting Is a Common Victim-Blaming Abuse Tactic - Here Are 4 Ways to Recognize It in Your Life".
"This Asgardian Iron Man armor is better than anything Tony Stark has".
"[Japanese g]overnment begins study into tattoo bans in public baths".
Via Facebook:
"Forget Pink Plastic Flamingos, These Lawn Ornaments Are Where It's At". (Spoiler: dragons!)
"Discarded pet goldfish are multiplying and getting kind of ginormous, officials say". (The New Zealand Herald...talking about Canada.)
Entertaining washing instruction labels from clothing.
"10 Warm Facts About Huskies".
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