My Ginny is home safe, although her trip home took a few hours longer than expected despite the fact that she was scheduled to reach Toronto ahead of some incoming snow, and (clearly) left us well before tomorrow's predicted heavy rainfall, and despite not having to change planes. :/ I think the delay was as long as or longer than the actual flight time.
The kittens are keeping the house from feeling as empty as it usually does when she leaves, especially because they were on an impressive rampage for a lot of the day. It also helps to know that she'll be back next month. But it's still always hard when she goes, and on top of that, this may well be her last year coming here around Christmas time, at least for a while. Coming for this chunk of time and then turning around and coming back in February for the retreat many of our local friends go on isn't an ideal use of her airfare/vacation time, and if it's a choice between the Christmas-New Year's span and the retreat, well...let's say it's not a difficult choice.
(I'd make at least a quick effort to explain the retreat a bit more, but I'm tired, and I'm sure I'll wind up posting about it soon enough, since it's coming up.)
On the weather front, Nova Scotia is on the long list of places with ridiculous weather lately. There was the blizzard on Friday (and they're rare here), and now the aforementioned incoming heavy rain, and of course the temperature is all over the place. It was bitterly cold during the blizzard (no, not as cold as the folks out west are getting; I won't say you literally couldn't pay me enough to live on the prairies, what with their winters, but I'd have to be paid a lot), and tomorrow it's supposed to hit 9°/48°F. Good times.
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