Let's Play Super Robot Wars J - Part 0

Jul 18, 2011 11:58

EDIT: Oh, look at that typo in the poll. Nice job me.

Hey there. Just like Ethan and Prof, I think this is pretty much the only thing I'm ever going to do with my personal journal!

The game in question?

Super Robot Wars J! In honor of srwug_alpha_rp kicking off and having SRWJ plot in it (and with me playing from it later on, I can always use more canon review), I'm gonna do a run through it! No promises on speed or quality of my LP, but I'm gonna be staring at other people's to get an idea of what I should be doing.

Before we begin, though, I have a few polls to run! First off, we have to choose one of our main characters.

Touya Shiun

An ordinary and dour 17 year old high school student. As an ordinary high school student, it's his job to get dragged into the war purely by chance - that's just what happens when you're that age.

Touya's story is a take on the 'teen falls into the cockpit' type of mecha story. Lots of growing up and getting over his issues and having a strong sense of justice and being really, really reluctant at first.

Calvina Coulange

Calvina's a bit different from your usual mecha protagonist, on the other hand. At 22 years old, she's already a respected veteran of the Alliance Space Forces, known as the White Lynx.

She was the sole survivor of a mysterious attack on the weapons testing facility she worked at on the moon, and bears deep psychological scars from it. Her story will involve running head-on into her past, and dealing with it.gif


Alongside our intrepid heroes, we have a trio of lovely Powerpuff Girls copilots to assist them! While I can easily switch between them between missions - and may do so for specific circumstances - I need to focus mainly on just one of the three, especially later on.

Each of these girls provides different benefits to my mech, in the form of stat boosts and a second list of 'spirit abilities' which are 'spells' that provide temporary buffs, healing, and other useful bonuses.

Katia Grignard is quiet, serious, and stubborn - though not without a sense of playfulness.

Katia provides an extra 10 points of mobility to make my unit more evasive, and a +1 bonus to attack range, useful for picking off distant enemies or counterattacking.

Festenia Muse is a spunky, spastic, and overly cheerful redhead. Despite being the smallest, she eats the most.

Festenia gives an extra 200 attack power to all of my weapons, a small bonus but surprisingly noticeable, and a 10% bonus to critical hit rates - if you've played Fire Emblem, well, crits here aren't nearly as devastating.

Melua Melna Meia stays out of the way, is polite, and wears her emotions openly while keeping the other girls from fighting.

Melua's bonuses include a healthy 300 point bonus to my mech's armor score, and an extra space of movement for getting around the map more quickly.

They all also provide their own unique lists of spirit abilities; you can check them out here if you know what you're looking at, but they aren't super terribly important. SRWJ is not an especially difficult game most of the time.

Poll Character Selecting Time!

Now for the part we're all here for - the giant freaking robots!

Normally I'd let you choose one of three options for your mech, but those things are all old and broken. So instead, I'll be using the fourth option you unlock for beating the game with each of the others - the Vorlent!

It qualifies as a super robot for the purpose of pilot stats, but it's very much its own thing, and that thing is very, very powerful. While it's probably the least exciting starter, and not as offensively powerful, it's nigh-indestructible early on, and the upgrade is awesome.

Do note that normally, you have to play a new game plus to select it - I codebreakered it in to get a fresh start to keep the game a little more balanced. It's really not fair to have a bunch of fully-upgraded mechs no matter how much I buff the enemies.

There is a choice to be made in regards to mechs though - favorites. 'Favorited' mechs can be upgraded further than normal (unlikely to happen) and more importantly, earn more money and experience when they shoot enemies down (very, very useful). While I'm going to be favoriting the main character out of favoritism and liking kickass main characters, I'm letting you guys choose the other two series! Regardless of route splits, I'll focus my attention on these series whenever possible, so please choose wisely.

Not that I can enforce you guys only choosing two in the poll, but... please do that. Please.


And last... route splits. I was considering asking you guys what you want me to do every time we hit a route split, but... no. That'll mean missing out on stuff if I don't lay out the routes for various unlockables. Instead, I'm gonna give you guys choices for how you want me to play the game.

Follow the Nadesico - Every time the Nadesico and the Archangel part ways and follow different routes, follow whoever's on the Nadesico. Don't pick this if you want me to favorite SEED!

Follow the Archangel - Every time the Nadesico and the Archangel part ways and follow different routes, follow whoever's on the Archangel. Don't pick this if you want me to favorite Nadesico!

Max Unlockables - Alternating on certain splits is the only way to get the most total number of unlockable characters, mechs, and upgrades in the game. If you want to see a lot of secrets, go with this!

Great Motherfucking Zeorymer - Alternating the opposite way gives me all the stages with Zeorymer on them. Stages with Zeorymer are the only way to unlock the stupendously overpowered and kind of annoying to unlock Great Zeorymer - if you want me to see it in action towards the end of the game, this is the option!


srwj, let's play

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