"When you have everything, you have everything to lose." -Ben Harper

Oct 16, 2006 20:43

so... this weekend was pretty great! it DEFINATELY made up for last weekend. gah. :)

I went to Birmingham on Wednesday night, so I could be there when Ian turned 18! I'm so glad I was there too! :)

On Friday, Ian & I went to the Nintendo Fusion Tour in ATL! we didn't even get lost on the way... & the other 2 concerts I've driven to in Atlanta, I got wayyy lost. we did get a little lost afterward, unfortunately. maybe when we go back for the next concert we won't get lost at all. that's the goal.

anyway... the bands that played there were PLAIN WHITE T'S (COMPLETELY AMAZING!!!), the Sleeping, Emery, Relient K, and Hawthorne Heights. It was such an awesome concert. It was @ the Tabernacle... which is a really pimpass concert hall type place... & all the bands were so amazing! I'm so glad that Ian came with me... it was a great time! :)

Saturday I watched the Auburn game @ my house... that was such an amazing game. Auburn totally redeemed themselves from last week. :) the game was SO fun to watch! too bad I watched it alone b/c any of my friends that are actually cool enough to enjoy/appreciate Auburn football couldn't come for some reason. oh well... it was so great anyway!

oh... I've decided that I am definately transferring. I do not want to be at Auburn. I mean I still love the campus and everything, it's just not I want. I thought it was... kind of... but it DEFINATELY is not. I just want to get out of here. I mean, I might as well... I go home to Birmingham almost every single weekend. it's screwed up. it's just so obvious that I'm not meant to be here. I'm sure I'll miss some things about it though. I've met some cool people, and I really like my classes and all... but it's just not right. I can tell. & I will probably go to more games (in the next years) b/c I won't be here all the time & I can just bring my friends up with me for a day.

oh yeah... and I appreciate music more & more every single day. It is insane to me how music can just take me away... music just affects me in so many ways & makes me think about so many things so differently & in a bigger perspective. I love it. I think music is so amazing!

& I saw Katie this weekend! I miss that girl so much! I hadn't seen her since she left for PC! we didn't get to hang out for too long (thanks to someone... lol), but we're gonna party over Thanksgiving break for sure! :)

anyway... I just want it to be the weekend again. as always. :) later!
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