The air vent (register) drama and other events this weekend (this is a very long post)

Apr 04, 2010 21:47

On Friday I had a doctor's appointment which was actually great. My nurse once worked with an endocrinologist so she knows all about thyroid issues. I told her I was still suffering from extreme fatigue, dry skin and my undesirable weight gain. She put me on a secondary thyroid medication that targets a different aspect of the hypothyroidism, so if it works, all my symptoms should disappear!

Then I sat for an hour while Andrew worked on my backpiece. He touched-up the red and finished the dragon with more red and some yellow. There was an area just on the inside of my right shoulder blade that hurt like the dickens. For whatever reason, one particular nerve really hated the tattooing. Dang. It felt all tweaky all afternoon.

Then I picked up Izzy from the shop. Those pipes sound AMAZING!! Wow! I only paid $989. Haha...

I had Saturday off so Todd and I stayed up late watching "Lost". Now we're all caught up but "Fringe" has started again. We missed that episode so we have to catch up already.

Saturday we got up at a reasonable hour and I decided we should close the downstairs air vents (registers) so the A/C would be forced upstairs. Todd took out the ladder and starting closing the vents. We have six vents downstairs and three closed but three didn't even have an open/close switch. I took a screwdriver to remove one so we could measure it and buy three vents that would open and close but the vents had been caulked onto the wall. They had cut the holes too big and couldn't screw the vents into the wall. OMG. GRRR.

So, we had brunch at The Dairy Bar (which was awesome). Then we went to Lowe's and bought supplies for projects we'd committed to (and three air vents) and we bought groceries at Kroger. I had an underarm laser removal appointment at 1415 so I dropped off Todd at the house and went to my appointment. After the treatment, they gave me a free "express facial", which was very nice except the lady kept trying to tell me to buy their expensive facial products. I left and bought lots of drugs from Walgreens and two tanks of propane, which cost me over $100. Todd insisted we buy two new tanks. Can't risk running out!

I went to the gym because they are closed today so I wanted to squeeze in a workout. For some reason, it really exhausted me! It was a great workout but it was really tiring.

I came home and we grilled dinner on our new propane grill. Very exciting! Then we went to see "Clash of the Titans", which was great. I was really surprised.

Today we got up at a reasonable hour (wow, twice in a row) and we primed and painted the front door, trimmed and installed latice work on both sides of the porch to keep the dog out, pulled up three thorny and ugly bushes in front of the house, planted two hydrangea bushes and wrapped chicken wire around that area. There's a rose bush there too. That was a nice surprise last fall when it bloomed bright pink roses. The chicken wire doesn't look great so we're going to keep looking for something to keep the dog from eating the bushes. We also mowed the grass and weed whacked. I pulled up a ton of crab grass. Todd picked up poop from the backyard and I did my laundry. All of this took place between 1130 and 1730.

We had to patch the holes to install the air vents so I had to match the wall paint. Instead of buying some, I mixed my own acrylics and I nailed it! Yay for me! It's a mixture of a lot of white, some flesh-color, brown, yellow and more white. I used drywall patch on the last hole because it was cut so ridiculously wide. I used lightweight spackle on the patch and painted it. Then I caulked the vent to the wall. NOW after two days of work, we can open and close the air vents. Damn.

I'm currently reading The Help, which has been an incredible book and I'm really glad I bought it. I highly recommend it.

I decided to buy new work shoes so I bought a pair of Klogs online but I ordered a size too small. I returned them and bought a larger size but the shoes just weren't going to work. My feet bones are too big, I suppose. I returned the second pair too and ordered these Crocs that are mary jane-style, black and super cute. All of these shoes have been $50 a pair. I'm really hopeful that the Crocs fit well.

Todd's parents are coming into town for a night in two weeks so we have a lot to do. Most of what we did this weekend was to spruce up the house for their visit. Painting the door white was a decision we made upon buying the house though. We bought the paint a long time ago. :)

I really wanted to enjoy a long motorcycle ride this weekend since I had three days off but it didn't work out. At least I brought my girl home.

I took Supe for a two-mile walk and now I'm trying to relax before tomorrow. It isn't working.

clash of the titans, backpiece, gardening, tattoo, the help, klogs, supe, air vents, free stuff, bitches and hos, hypothyroidism, house problems, the dairy bar

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