The day of Supe

Apr 08, 2010 19:52

My dog seems to be finally coming into her own. She's become less needy, listens more and seems to be more in tune to what Todd and I want. Instead of trying to lay and chew on us all the time, she will lay on the floor and nap now.

Today I worked in the yard for a couple of hours, wearing myself out so much I don't feel the need to go to the gym today. I gutted this strip of garden in front of the house, ripping up all the crab grass and weeds. We have a rose bush blooming blood red flowers, so I pretended to know what I was doing and I trimmed it back to force more blooms. I put a green, wire fence around the area, enclosing the two hydrangeas and the rose bush. We're trying to dissuade Supe from pulling on the branches.

Supe met and played with two adult dogs who live right behind us. They have a huge, fenced in yard and they all ran around until it began to rain and we parted. The humans were really nice, too. They want us to come back tomorrow night if the weather is accommodating. Supe managed to bite her tongue and it bled some but she didn't seem bothered by it so I'm not either.

We're in a tornado warning! Yay for crazy weather!

I called Pella to find out what I could do to acquire a sliding screen door for my sliding glass doors. Pella wants to send out a technician for $75 to measure the door, then the door itself would cost anywhere from $150-250. Wow! I am quite uninterested in spending that much on some vinyl and a screen! Todd and I suspect that we can find a generic screen door that would cost half as much. Here's hoping!

I'm so thirsty...must get water!

pella, supe

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