My giant puppy!

Mar 22, 2010 21:05

Supe is now 29 pounds! She got her rabies vaccine and last DHLPP combo booster Saturday. She was very good! She needs a bath.

She has her adult molars so she may be older than we thought. Dogs get non-deciduous molars once they're around five months old. That means they don't get those molars in a "baby teeth" version. Once they grow in, those are the only ones they get. That would make her maybe a month older than we thought which also means she may not be as big as we hoped thought. However, pups can get them at a younger age too so she may be what we thought.

Andrew and I have done about twelve hours of work on my back-piece. We outlined clouds on Friday and it hurt like hell! We get to fill those in, hopefully Thursday.

I weed-whacked the front yard Saturday. It was out of control, but none o fit is grass. There's crab grass, sweet onions and cloves. It was too tall for the manual mower.

I washed my sheets yesterday and dried them outside on the clothes-line. They smell so clean and fresh! It's a smell I recall from my childhood and I hadn't smelled it in a long time!

Todd and I rode our motorcycles around yesterday in the nice weather. We left my bike at the shop (again). The front right turn signal stopped working while they had the bike and the bulb had burned so the shop offered to change the bulb at no charge! I'm also getting my state inspection and a replacement front left turn signal cover. The cover was broken but it wasn't a big deal. I think it's cheap and easy for them to replace it though.

So, I'm also having them order straight pipes and install them this week. I hope to get Izzy back Thursday or Saturday. I can't wait to hear her growl! They'll cost me about $900 with labor and the carb kit, but I consider it insurance. If people are more likely to hear me, they may be less likely to hit me! :)

backpiece, izzy, tattoo, todd, motorcycle pipes, supe

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