Say it ain't so...

Apr 07, 2003 20:59

Its April 7, why is my yard covered in snow? I feel betrayed…Wahhh…..Its spring man, what’s up with the white stuff?!?

Spent the day troubleshooting a COBOL compiler license issue. Won’t bore you to death about it, only mention it because it took so much of my time. After work Troy and I went to dinner at Full Moon, he wanted to talk about his new GF ( of 3 months) and her problems with conventional birth control. Actually he bragged about how she was improving his life and forcing him to be financially responsible for the first time in his life, however I remember the birth control discussion more. It was pretty funny, he’s ready to get a Vasectomy and she’s dead against it. Hmm, she’s 39 and he’s 30, do you think something may be on her mind?

Is anyone familiar with the term SNOG? Helen in Limerick, Ireland uses it all the time and I’m afraid to ask.

Was chatting with my English cousin Gary today, He’s so anti-French its funny, you’d think he was the Desert Storm veteran instead of me. I think he and I will have a blast when I am over this spring. Like everyone in my family he looks at arguing politics as a sport and he is so Totally English, it will be a great perspective.

Ahh, nothing really to talk about today. Guess I’ll check my email, then clean off this desk.

family, friends, dating, ireland, work

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