About last night

Apr 06, 2003 19:43

Well the party was a roaring success. Have to congratulate Tony for spending two months planning for it and still managing to surprise his GF, Lisa. I did my bit helping prepare the house, getting filthy digging his picnic tables out of the mud, then directing people where to park. Only 30 people showed for the actual surprise, then folks straggled in all day. Most of them didn’t really show until 7 or so. The band played from 6-10, with Tony and other party guest jumping in to play instruments, when the guys wanted to take a break. Daw and Bruce showed up, but for some reason just hung in their own groups. They didn’t even take time to get to know one another. I wanted them both to meet people there for their businesses, the room was full of successful entrepreneurs and later on a few local celebrities showed up.

I had a good time, my only real gripe, being a bachelor was the lack of single women. True, technically Daw is single, but she’s like family and totally undateable. It was all couples and perhaps a little more then a dozen single men. The only single woman ( that I noticed, it was crowded and I was gabbing ) was my real estate Agent Ann’s daughter, Abby. Very pretty, way too young. I think she was 24 or so. I am glad some people I did invite didn’t show, they would have thought I was setting them up , and I wasn’t.

Even still I had a blast talking, dancing and eating. John and Anne brought their new baby Emily, it’s the first time I had seen her since she was born 8 months ago and she’s adorable. I think there were maybe a dozen kids altogether there. Tony gave them one room for TV and Video games. They also, hit the buffet and danced a bit.

I left around midnight, would have just slept there, but this married woman ( who’s husband was absent) named Val was giving me the eye and it made me nervous. I bailed. Called Tony an hour ago. He said they were up until Daybreak. Can’t wait until I see the pictures.

friends, dating

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