Dec 27, 2009 00:47
Saw Sherlock Holmes tonight and absolutely loved it.
I like that they stayed true to certain aspects of his character. Yes, he is brilliant, but Watson also makes a big deal about how fit and physically able Holmes can be. So it was great to actually see him doing those types of activities.
I also like how they portrayed Holmes and Watson's relationship. Watson is, pretty much, Holmes' only friend. He has acquaintances, but in the books, it is Watson that he relies upon. And while Holmes is busy relying on Watson, Watson relies on Holmes for the excitement being his friend brings.
That Watson was smart, made my day. In most movies/books/tv shows they make Watson a freaking idiot. The stories by Doyle do have Watson being less intelligent than Holmes, but think of it this way, the man was a doctor in Victorian England (which means Classical education) and in the Army (which means he is no coward). Since the stories are supposed to be from Watson's perspective, of course he is going to makes Holmes out to be as brilliant as possible. Hell, Watson probably feels like an idiot next to Holmes.
I loved the movie. I was a little annoyed at how they altered the way the Watson and his fiancee met, but oh well. It was enjoyable and, if time permits, I'm going to go and see it again tomorrow.
sherlock holmes