(no subject)

Apr 10, 2008 13:50

Uggghhh... Straight people are annoying.

Today is a coworkers anniversary and her husband showed up, brought candy and generally made an appearance in his United States Air Force outfit. All the office ladies are dripping wet with jealousy and cooing over it as if its a huge ordeal and "sooooooooooo sweet!!~!`~!1!!"

Let me bring Robert in on our next anniversary and see how well that goes over...........

I guess I should be happy for them. I am...it's their four year anniversary. Congratulations! I wonder how many babies the breeders are going to pump out to help contribute to world overpopulation?

I guess I'm so used to thoroughly concealing the most important relationship in my life that I am a little jaded at people who get to not only flaunt such details about their lives, but that they have praise and adoration blindly lavished upon them in reward for subscribing to a cultural value/standard.

It may be institutionally acceptable for me to be out at work...but I really, really don't think that I'd ever get the "Ooooooh that's sooooooooooooooo sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!" de facto approval/acceptance reaction that a young and pretty hetero couple will necessarily receive.

I guess I'm just miffed that once again I'm excluded from all the fun.

I think also that I have a pre-assumption in that I literally assume that any straight person I may meet or come across will be utterly uncomfortable and driven away if I make known in any way, shape or form my sexuality. This has been the case the overwhelming majority of the time. I think I'm kind of embarassed to be gay. That doesn't make me feel good inside.

relationships, breeders

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