*i don't like how i feel when i say "when i was in college"

Apr 07, 2008 14:22

Busy busy day at work. Our team is supposed to have four members, but we only have three at the moment. Also, the third member called in sick, so it's been pretty hectic.

Today is Cubby Workout Day again. Our tiny apartment gym has a decent amount of upper body equipment but almost no lower body. I've always had huge legs - I'm guessing from all the bike riding I did as a kid - and I want to see if I can get some of that back. Oh, I also ran on the treadmill last time, I was suprised that I didn't break it. However I quickly learned that running is hard, so that lasted only a couple minutes. It'll be interesting to see how much longer I can run during subsequent trips.

I'm half tempted to buy a membership to a real gym. I'm more motivated than ever before, and there's one not too far from our house. Basically I don't like having to wait for people to get finished using the machines in our apartment complex's wee workout chamber. Also it'd be hawtt to see other guys naked in the shower with their peen0rz wagging back and forth as they walk, and moving around soaping up various parts of their body and their orifices. And a full gym would have more lower body things to do, as well as free weights (we only have machines in our rinkydink arena). Another thing is that since our gym is so small, having other people working out there means they're a few feet away from you, even with only two or three people in the room. At least in the bigger gyms there's more space and you don't have to have someone breathing down your neck (unless you want them to, woof). I always liked working out at the Rec center in college*.

work, weight loss, working out

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