Productive stuff I did on Oct 3rd

Oct 03, 2011 22:35


I beat Ico HD this morning. It was an amazing game but really short (final play time was under 5 hours). Hard to believe this sold as a full retail game back when it came out. The original is 10 years old. But it was quite amazing. I really want to draw some Ico fanart. Yorda is quite adorable and the Queen is a pretty badass looking villain. Just black smoke and lightning with a pale old face. Nice use of contrast.

I didn't get to writing any reviews today or working on any. Reviews I have to write (and have been putting off):

-Disgaea 4
-White Knight Chronicles II
-Ico HD

Reason for not writing: I didn't sleep properly and thus I've been brain dead all day. Solution: Get more sleep damnit!


I did another day of figure studies. Went to posemaniacs and did eight different sketches with pencil on paper. All line drawings. Spent about 5-8 minutes on each. I think I have a better grasp on hands and feet as well as musculature now. Drawing the prominent muscles as seperate shapes and joining them together seems to work quite well.

I need to switch it up tomorrow though. I haven't done any shading in forever so perhaps I should do a still life and focus on value. That or portraiture.

I'm going to need a better work space. Been sitting in bed and drawing in my sketchbook. Need a proper desk. Or an easel perhaps. Also need better lighting. Some graphite and proper shading pencils would be nice too. Ugh...need so much art supplies (so expensive x_x). At least I can get acrylic paints, bristol boards and canvas boards for cheap at the dollar store. If I don't do a still life I might do some charcoal portraits on bristol board. Hmm...I need a kneadable eraser too. *sigh* I could easily drop 100 bucks on art supplies right now.

I might do some random game fanart later if I'm up for it. Ico really was gorgeous.
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