Oct 24, 2005 18:49
Before i begin, let it be known that the title of this entry goes out to a Mr. Kyle Clifford Larson.
Ok, so everyone knows about tucker, right? 4 year old golden retriever. Came from a champion breeder, chews on rocks, cant walk backwards, sleeps 21 hours a day, often carries things to greet people with, hates giorgio, weighs more than my sister, lets you carry him, often stops completely while taking a walk for no explainable reason, has a head almost larger than mine, is afraid of going into the basement, cries when he cant fit into a room because of a half-closed door. You get the picture.
Well turns out this idiot of a dog has about 9 out of a possible 10 symptoms for hypothyroid disorder. Meaning that he is prone to an inactive, overweight lifestyle. If the blood work comes back positive, it means he'll be put on meds and may become a normal dog for once. I am still on the fence whether or not im happy or sad about this.