Oct 23, 2005 01:23
Wow i dont update this thing very often but im drunk and what better to do with my time than waste it with livejournal. So tonight was the AFC staff haloween party. Usujally the one girl from the AFC throws it at her house but for some reason this year she was sick of her house getting trashed so she decided to go w/ a party at pearl st. She rents out most of the building and off we go, me dressed as a doctor from the ER. $25 to get in but then its an open bar and open pizza and wings and sabres game for 4 hours. I sampled all of the buffalo microbrewed beer, ranging from real shitty to amazing while watching the sabres win while eating a million chicken wings. Inebriation ensued.
Highlights include:
-The girl who has the party introduces me to her parents as the guy whos "gorgeous but a few years too young for me" i guess thats the breaks.
-random girls hanging all over me and other guys near me as i sweet talked them by "buying" them free drinks from the free bar.
-going upstairs and some girl in a cat outfit telling me to "check her out" with the stethoscope" and then telling me to do ilicit things that cant be repeated in livejournal for the fact that my kids might look this up someday and laugh at me when im 40.
-having a girl in an indian costume (indian 'feather', not indian 'dot'. think about it, it makes sense) come up to me and ask how old i was. i say almost 20 which is basically true, and she says "damn...if u said 25 i woulda taken u home w/ me." Again, those are the breaks. Oh well. Still hilarious
-meeting the band playing at pearl st. who also happens to be opening for hootie soon, which is awesome. whos coming to that concert with me?
good time!!! free ride ther and back and u cant beat that.
Now i gotta swim 1000meters tomorrow for lifeguard trainging. This sucks