No on 8 drabble-a-thon

Nov 02, 2008 09:29

Hopefully, on Tuesday, Californians will be voting down a proposition that will take away the right to gay marriage that was legalized by the California Supreme Court not that long ago. I just posted links to some videos here.

In addition, I think we as part of the SGA fandom and any other fandoms who want to join (please post this around), should ( Read more... )

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Comments 434

dangerous_47 November 2 2008, 19:52:54 UTC
Woah. That's really cool. :D

If I did write fanfiction anymore, I would totally do this. :) But since i don't really, I'll just hope loads of other people do. :D

I hope there will be more no's than yes's. :D

You don't mind me posting a link to this on my lj, because some might like it on my f-list. :D


tzzzz November 2 2008, 19:55:04 UTC
Post away! The more the merrier.


dangerous_47 November 2 2008, 20:02:15 UTC
Okay. :D

EDIT: I'm so not articulate with these kinda things. XD Do you mind if I copy/paste some this so people will get the jist and a link to lead them in the right direction? lol.


tzzzz November 2 2008, 20:29:48 UTC


caersmane November 2 2008, 20:15:43 UTC
It isn't really that either of them wanted to get married; look how that turned out for both of them the times they did do it. It was more about being able to, after not even having the option, after having the right to do it legally revoked. And it was Jack's idea. A great big finger in the face of his beloved military, the first officer, a two star general, to take advantage of the new laws.

Daniel said his vows, kissed his husband in front of the President of the United States of America and half the White House staff, and stood there, blinded by a million press flashes, and realised that he'd been wanting this for so long he'd fooled himself into thinking he didn't really.

He grinned and turned back to Jack then, and kissed him again, putting his so talented tongue to good use.

(It isn't much, but it's a little late here and I did want to get something in :D Awesome idea, btw!)


adafrog November 3 2008, 03:49:33 UTC
Very cute.


caersmane November 3 2008, 11:01:10 UTC
Thanks :) Who can resist doing something for this challenge? (Even if I do live in England and it is legal here already)


tzzzz November 3 2008, 10:34:33 UTC
Yay! It's so Daniel to not realize how much he wants something until he has it.


mosquito_larva November 2 2008, 20:16:35 UTC
I love this idea! I'm in Canada, so don't have much political power in the States, but best of luck to those who do ( ... )


loneraven November 2 2008, 23:54:11 UTC
Ahahaha! This was delightful and it cracked me up, especially the part about registering at Canadian Tire.


fenchurch1 November 2 2008, 23:58:07 UTC
Utterly brilliant! Giggled like mad!


mosquito_larva November 3 2008, 03:15:27 UTC
Glad you enoyed, thanks and thanks to tzzz for such a wonderfully inspiring idea.


Drabble attempt [Sga. Ish.] joannindiw November 2 2008, 20:46:06 UTC
[I haven't fic'd in so long what'll come out is, uh. Sad, to say the least. But for this....]

Chuck held himself stiffly. This was wrong, completely wrong; he knew it, all the officers knew it, but now - there wasn't anything they could do. McKay was watching; shunted to the balcony as Teyla and Ronon leaned against him; his hands twisting bone-white on the railing.

A technicality and Sheppard's brother had come, brandishing legal documents and a smug expression that left Woosley wringing his hands as the rules tied him up.

One little of piece of paper; a ceremony (and some actual civilized laws) and all of this could have been avoided.


Chuck dialed.


Re: Drabble attempt [Sga. Ish.] mecurtin November 3 2008, 03:02:28 UTC
This = awesome. And true.


Re: Drabble attempt [Sga. Ish.] joannindiw November 3 2008, 03:08:54 UTC
Thank you.


Re: Drabble attempt [Sga. Ish.] tzzzz November 3 2008, 10:38:44 UTC
Thanks for drabbling! So sad that there aren't civilized laws quite yet.


Wonderful Idea facetofcathy November 2 2008, 21:07:59 UTC
You're awesome for doing this. A double drabble.

"Okay, no, just no," Rodney said, in what he probably thought was a calm voice.

John leaned in the doorway, not a millimeter of his person over the threshold of Rodney's lair and said, "Ronon's email?"

"Yes, yes. Intergalactic email, all the cool kids do it now."

"You don't like his idea?"

"His idea? His idea is ludicrous. A traditional Satedan ceremony? More like traditional Satedan torture. That much blood is really not what I'd thought about when we said we should get m-, uh m-, ma-, you know."

"Well he says he'll be offended if we just go with the Athosian vows," John said, and pinched himself to keep from laughing.

"Well, he can just be offended then, it's bad enough we have to fly to California for this, I don't want septicaemia on our ho-, ah hon-, er vacation thingy."

"Rodney, did you notice the little colon and bracket thing at the end of the email?"

"Yes, so he's not the greatest typ-"

"Rodney, it's a smiley face. He's kidding."

"Oh, ah, oh. He knows ( ... )


Re: Wonderful Idea adafrog November 3 2008, 03:50:24 UTC


Re: Wonderful Idea facetofcathy November 3 2008, 13:01:27 UTC


Re: Wonderful Idea icarusancalion November 3 2008, 08:05:03 UTC
LOL. And Rodney can't say the word.


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