No on 8 drabble-a-thon

Nov 02, 2008 09:29

Hopefully, on Tuesday, Californians will be voting down a proposition that will take away the right to gay marriage that was legalized by the California Supreme Court not that long ago. I just posted links to some videos here.

In addition, I think we as part of the SGA fandom and any other fandoms who want to join (please post this around), should ( Read more... )

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mosquito_larva November 2 2008, 20:16:35 UTC
I love this idea! I'm in Canada, so don't have much political power in the States, but best of luck to those who do ( ... )


loneraven November 2 2008, 23:54:11 UTC
Ahahaha! This was delightful and it cracked me up, especially the part about registering at Canadian Tire.


fenchurch1 November 2 2008, 23:58:07 UTC
Utterly brilliant! Giggled like mad!


mosquito_larva November 3 2008, 03:15:27 UTC
Glad you enoyed, thanks and thanks to tzzz for such a wonderfully inspiring idea.


mosquito_larva November 3 2008, 03:14:49 UTC
Thanks! I could imagine Rodney focusing on the fun side of weddings :) And who needs fancy china when one can get a power sander (yes, we registered for and recieved a power's awesome!)


psio03kx November 3 2008, 05:14:02 UTC
Heh, that had me smiling all the way through =D


icarusancalion November 3 2008, 08:03:28 UTC
A tent? Cool!

Love Rodney's reasoning here.


tzzzz November 3 2008, 10:37:08 UTC
Alas, you Canadians have it all figured out already. I love the idea that they're already commited, just haven't thought to express it up until now. Also, Rodney and the gifts!


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