No on 8 drabble-a-thon

Nov 02, 2008 09:29

Hopefully, on Tuesday, Californians will be voting down a proposition that will take away the right to gay marriage that was legalized by the California Supreme Court not that long ago. I just posted links to some videos here.

In addition, I think we as part of the SGA fandom and any other fandoms who want to join (please post this around), should ( Read more... )

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mosquito_larva November 2 2008, 20:16:35 UTC
I love this idea! I'm in Canada, so don't have much political power in the States, but best of luck to those who do!

"A Dream Within a Dream"

John stared at Rodney, feeling as if he should check for any recent abnormal space/time continuum fluctuations on Atlantis' sensors. "You want to what?"

Rodney huffed impatiently. "Get married. What's wrong with you, weren't you listening?"

"I was listening, I'm just surprised. I never pegged you for the marrying type."

"Yes, yes, oppressive heterosexist institutional intrusion into personal relations and all that. But that's completely irrelevant." Rodney waved his hand dismissively. "Getting married means we can have cake. Plus, presents!"

John blinked. "Presents?"

Rodney rolled his eyes, clearly wishing John would stop being such an idiot and get with the programme already. "Presents, gifts, things other people give you that you get to keep and use."

Scratching at the back of his head, John leaned back against the wall of Rodney's quarters, absently fluffing the pillow behind his shoulders. "Shouldn't marriage be more...I dunno...about love and commitment?"

"Please," Rodney scoffed, settling down at John's side with one arm flung across John's midriff, the other bent behind his head. "What more could we possibly do to commit to each other than saving each other's lives on a daily basis. Saying the words is irrelevant."

John felt his stomach flip and an unexpected warmth flood his chest. "So we're committed, huh?"

Rodney looked up in surprise. "Of course, you idiot."

John smiled slowly. "Cool."

With an amused huff, Rodney closed his eyes and settled his head on John's shoulder. "We'll have to have the ceremony in Canada, what with your nation's backward policies. And I think Jeannie would kill me if we didn't. Plus, we can register at Canadian Tire. They have a micro drill I've had my eye on. You could even get some new drivers for your golf bag. Ooh, and one of those thermal blankets. I hear that --"

John cut off Rodney's ramblings with a kiss, grabbing at his lover's waist and pulling them both under the blankets. He'd worry about Rodney's wedding plans tomorrow in the clear light of day. Tonight, he'd get in some practice for the honeymoon.


(and yes, my wife and I registered at Canadian Tire for our wedding, which thankfully is completely recognized now in Canada. We managed to get a lovely breadmaker. And a tent. The cake was lovely too!)


loneraven November 2 2008, 23:54:11 UTC
Ahahaha! This was delightful and it cracked me up, especially the part about registering at Canadian Tire.


fenchurch1 November 2 2008, 23:58:07 UTC
Utterly brilliant! Giggled like mad!


mosquito_larva November 3 2008, 03:15:27 UTC
Glad you enoyed, thanks and thanks to tzzz for such a wonderfully inspiring idea.


mosquito_larva November 3 2008, 03:14:49 UTC
Thanks! I could imagine Rodney focusing on the fun side of weddings :) And who needs fancy china when one can get a power sander (yes, we registered for and recieved a power's awesome!)


psio03kx November 3 2008, 05:14:02 UTC
Heh, that had me smiling all the way through =D


icarusancalion November 3 2008, 08:03:28 UTC
A tent? Cool!

Love Rodney's reasoning here.


tzzzz November 3 2008, 10:37:08 UTC
Alas, you Canadians have it all figured out already. I love the idea that they're already commited, just haven't thought to express it up until now. Also, Rodney and the gifts!


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