Всё ещё не никогда не как читать меня

May 08, 2006 22:28

I was measured today at the gym. I thought the results would be a lot worse than they are. I don’t remember how large my biceps are, nor how wide my chest nor stomach are… but the rest I remember.
Height: 185cm
Weight: 70.8kg
Hydration: %61
Body fat: %11
Lean muscle mass: %56.8

I was chuffed *Grins*

Today was the first afternoon in a while where i had time off from work, students and uni... so i caught up with two people. The first was the always ravishing Jean Harlow, who was as glorious as she always is. She and i ordered coffee from Java Joe after taking to big Matty, and that is when i discovered the infinite joy that is contained in chai lattés. MMMMMMM SO GOOD! The boy who served us was homosexual, and found it hard concentrating whilst near me. From inside, he looked out every now and then to where Jean and I were sitting. Whilst he brought the coffees out, he was so nervous that he spilt them slightly. I watched his hands closely, and they were trembling. The most adorable part about it all though was after he apologised for spilling the coffees slightly, and was walking back into Java Joe, for he let out a big breath of air. Jean then continued to inform me of when he was looking at me. He was quite adorable, so i may see him next time. He also wrote my name down as Jesus on my receipt too... wich scored him points. Anyhow... I met Travis after Jean.

Я видал тебе сегодня, и да, ты как вспоминал. Всё ещё не никогда как читать меня. Ты удивлял мне, с любопытной словары, а ещё ты не знаешь как меня зовут . Ты сказал меня умный, а что вхатает тебя?

I've started to practice violin again. Probably a good plan seeing as i have a violin student... However it's sounding good.

Anyhow, as promised... the lyrics. The translation sounds like arse, but it's the best i could do whilst trying to be as loyal to the origional song as possible.

Edith Piaf - T'es Beau, Tu sais

T'es beau, tu sais
Et ça s'entend lorsque tu passes.
T'es beau, c'est vrai.
J'en suis plus belle quand tu m'embrasses.
Je te dessine du bout du doigt :
Ton front, tes yeux, tes yeux, ta bouche.
Comment veux-tu dessiner ça ?
La main me tremble quand j'y touche...
T'es beau, mon grand,
Et moi, vois-tu, je suis si petite.
T'es beau tout le temps
Que ça me grandit quand j'en profite.

Reste là, ne bouge pas.
Laisse-moi t'imaginer.
T'as l'air d'être l'été,
Celui qui pleut jamais.
Reste là, bouge pas.
Laisse-moi quand même t'aimer.
Je ne peux même pas penser
Que je te méritais.

T'es beau, tu sais.
Ça m'impressionne comme les églises.
T'es beau, c'est vrai,
Jusqu'à ta mère qu'en est surprise.
Tu me réchauffes et tu m'endors.
Tu fais soleil, tu fais colline.
Viens contre moi, il pleut dehors.
Mon cœur éclate dans ma poitrine.
T'es beau partout.
C'est trop facile d'être sincère.
T'es beau, c'est tout.
T'as pas besoin de lumière.

Il était beau et c'était vrai
Mais la gosse ne le voyait pas,
Ses yeux perdus à tout jamais.
Il en pleurait
Quand il guidait ses pas.

T'es beau, tu sais.
T'es beau, c'est vrai.
T'es beau, tu sais.
T'es beau, c'est vrai...

*** English translation ***

You're Beautiful, you know
And it's all the same when you pass by.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I become more beautiful when you kiss me.
I outline you with my fingertips:
Your face, your eyes, your eyes, your mouth.
How do you want to draw it?
My hand trembles when i touch there...
You're beautiful, my boy,
And me, seeing you, I am so small.
You're always beautiful
Which makes me grow when I make the most of it.

Stay there, don't move
Leave me to your imagination.
You have an air like summer.
The one who never cries.
Stay there, don't move
Leave me when i like you all the same.
I can't think the same way,
That i deserve you.

You're beautiful, you know.
You impress me like the churches.
You're beautiful, it's true,
Until your mother is surprised.
You warm me, and lull me to sleep.
You make the sun, you make the hill.
Come against me, it's raining outside.
My heart explodes in my chest.
You're beautiful everywhere.
It's too easy to be sincere.
You're beautiful, that's all.
You don't need any light.

He was beautiful, and it was true
But the kid never saw it.
His eyes never lost at all.
He cried
When he guided them not.

You're beautiful, you know
You're beautiful, it's true
You're beautiful, you know
You're beautiful, it's true.
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