A rant which i need to get out of my system

May 15, 2006 20:10

Dear god i have so much pent up angst. I apologise if i have taken it out on anyone. Really there is no excuse for it, however i am going to take this opportunity to vent a bit.

There's a guy at work. He obviously doesn't like me. He picks on every small thing i do, and obviously avoids me for the rest of the time. If anything's not right, then he yells at me. It's really been pissing me off. This most recent time, he yelled at me over something so completely pointless, that i felt like smacking him one. After that, he then proceeded to tell me that he was 53, and still ran rings around me. Is that so? If you really run rings around me... then let's put this into context. Did you finish high school? Have you ever been to university? Do you play an instrument? Do you speak another language? Do you have a life? NO. God i hate the arsehole, and that sentiment is reflected in many of the staff at my work also, so i'm not alone in my opinion.
Also, i decided to look over mogenic about half an hour ago. The first page of results displayed my most recent ex-boyfriend. The pages thereafter showed people who have treated me badly over the years... and thus i got really angsty.
Today, i received a message from a guy i met the other day, who is quite attractive, and gave me his number in a way that made me blush. In the message, he asked me if i would have a threesome with he and his boyfriend.
I met a friend of mine the other day, whilst about to go for coffee with another guy whom i know. This friend of mine largely ignored me, and was obviously pissed off that i am looking better physically that i have done previously. After that, this guy whom i was meeting for coffee turned out to be immature, and a compulsive liar. I don't believe he lied about his boyfriend, i.e. kissing me when he had a boyfriend. Fucking christ. He was also trying to get me drunk. Don't ever do that fucking shit to me.
I decided to unblock my ex-boyfriend Ryan on MSN, as i had forgotten why i blocked him in the first place. He started a conversation with me, in which he was expecting me to entertain him. I had to ask myself... Why did i go out with you in the first place?
A guy whom i randomly fucked whilst drunk is now coming to me with his boy problems. Luckily he's gone off to watch Big Brother. That'll keep him amused. He likes to watch people who are watching television. He loves it.

My angst comes out in arrogance, so it shouldn't come as a surprise if i am arrogant for a bit tomorrow. I'll have some vodka. That'll calm me down a bit.

By the way, i took this photo. The first shirtless photo of me really...

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