Should I try to sing professionally?

May 07, 2006 22:29

Maybe i should do something with my voice. I walk around at work, singing, and my workmates tell me to sing up. I did the other day, and one of the customers comes over to me, touches me on the shoulder and says 'You have a beautiful voice! Do you sing professionaly?'. I was too embarrassed to continue the conversation much more than that, so continued to clear tables swiftly when i had the chance. Even if i were to do something with it, i wouldn't know where to start. I'm NOT going on Australian Idol, for even if i win, i'll be forced to do trashy pop songs... of which are NOT my style. The recording contract is tempting though... For the time being though, i will continue to find more songs, and will sing to friends, and whilst i'm at work. Just for clarification purposes by the way... i sing quietly to myself to keep my throat clear, and to pass the time. I also like to sing little songs to my workmates to make them laugh. I sang 'Don't Get Married' to one of my supervisors, and she was in hysterics... talking about it for about half an hour afterwards. I also find singing theraputic. The Hungarian woman in wardrobe agrees with me. It doesn't matter if you can sing well or not, but it's very healthy, and allows you to get things off your chest i think. GOD knows how many times i've sang things like Piaf's 'T'es Beau, Tu Sais' (You're handsome, you know) whilst thinking about a boy... or like Björk's 'Isobel' whilst feeling nostalgic. I am still yet to understand Tatu's 'Обезьянка Ноль' (Small Monkey Zero)... however the song feels like sex. I'll look over it again.

In other news... My life plods on as usual: gym, uni, students and work. Hopefully soon i shall be able to transfer agencies soon. A normal conversation i have to do with my modelling (even talking to other models) is;
'Oh, so you're a model?!'
'Yeah technically, however i need to transfer agencies... as mine is shite'
'Oh really? Who do you model for?'
'1010 models.'
'Who are they? I've never heard of them.'
'That's my point.'
My personal training is doing me wonders. My muscle mass is increasing, and my diet has my fat worked out also. I'm looking better and better. One of my students was shocked when she saw me one day. I had had a training session that week, and used the workout that my trainer created for me... and apparently I already look more toned.

I've been listening to Rammstein's album 'Rosenrot' a fair bit. I'm unsure why. I'll post the lyrics for 'T'es Beau, Tu sais' with a translation in a later post.
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