Child Molestation and Sexuality

Oct 16, 2003 14:04

I was thinking the other day that it seems that you hear of a lot more cases of boys being molested than girls and yet I know a lot more women who were abused as children than men... or at least that are open about it.

There are, of course, a lot of variables in this, most notably social/cultural factors. It seems like the idea of a boy being abused by another male is particularly disturbing to people, likely coming from the same general homophobia that haunts our country. Conversely, I would say that most people I have talked to who were molested in a heterosexual manner don't even consider the events so much abusive as much as a coming of age ritual that all people go through. As such this further leads to the imbalance mentioned above as while news of homosexual molestation is a big headline it is likewise probable that the abused would avoid talking about it due to social stigmas around both male sexual abuse and homosexuality in general.

I don't have a particular point to make here, more just some overall observations. I guess where society has its set biases I have likewise developed reactive conotations opposite of the social norm, as my admitted prejudice is that males are more likely to be be sexually abusive and that an appalling percentage of women have been molested at some point in their life.

Anyway, a scary link I found while looking into this: View on this Topic. This is from the site's series, "Homosexual Urban Legends". The contents of this site are truly repulsive... but then, I'm just a successful product of the homosexual's Marxist agenda and Nazi-inspired propoganda machine.

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