I figured it was about time to make an entry. Update you lovely people of what is goin' on in the world o' Jeff.
First off, school is going along quite well. I finished my mid-term for Asian History earlier today and let's just say that the test was made into my bitch, ladies and gentlemen. The other classes are coming along well too. Good times. Good times indeed.
Other things? WoW is proving to be not quite as exciting as I'd like right now simply due to the fact I'm not really able to enjoy any other the higher-end content yet. Hopefully HP will be moving off of that fucking terrible shithole, Haomarush and onto something a little more populated and/or GOOD. Oh well.. in the mean time I've been taking care of farming needs, etc, and getting things squared away on alts and what not since I haven't been able to hop into raiding just yet.
http://www.webpronews.com/topnews/2007/03/05/riaa-targets-internet-radio That story right there is basically about the RIAA throwing its weight around and forcing the CRB to hike up royalty rates on independent and large webcasting stations. Yeah. Even small stations will, essentially, be forced to pay out nearly 120-130% of their income just to keep the monster appeased. That means a lot of really great stations will be disappearing entirely. That also sucks for me because, well, I was about to start broadcasting for one of MMORadio.com's sister stations and hopefully be spinnin' some good jams for all teh peoples out there in Azeroth, Paragon City, Norrath, and all the other places that I can't think of. Ah yeh.
I've already written to my state reps and a few other Congressmen about the issue and hopefully that outrageous rates can at least be rolled back to what they were or something a little more reasonable. I'd like to see Net Radio live on for a while longer at least.
Tomorrow marks the day that I get to see cinematic history made. Is that too substantial a statement to make about "300" ? I don't think so. Thanks to my introduction to Frank Miller through Danny I've read the graphic novel "300" many many many times over now and it is, perhaps, one of my favorite works of artistic storytelling I've ever come across, comic or not.
My initial reaction to "300" was, "Well, this could definitely be something Zack Snyder could fuck up rather easily." Though, oddly enough, I thought Snyder showed some promise on "Dawn of the Dead" and I'm starting to see through my extensive look at previews, the 300 seconds of "300" MTV put up and other sources that this film has been painstakingly crafted and looks to be a real marvel to behold. It's Frank Miller. It's Sparta. It's Persia. It's one of the most important battles in the history of mankind. Any movie that could depict a battle of such importance and do so with the bombastic, beautiful and wondrous expression that this movie plainly has is just downright worth seeing. Will it be totally historically accurate? No it won't but it will A) Faithfully adapt the amazing work of Miller B) Truly portray the spirit of Sparta and weave a tapestry of so few against so many.
I haven't truly been this excited about a motion picture in a really really really really really really really really really really really really long time. My "OMG!" levels for the Lord of the Rings movies were quite high, but nowhere near this. I cannot fucking wait. TOMORROW. WOO! Not John Woo. I mean, you know, "WOOOOOOOOOOOO!" More Ric Flair-esque.
-See You Later, Space Cowboy