Jan 11, 2007 18:48
"We must move forward, not backwards, not to the side, not forwards, but always whirling, whirling, whirling towards freedom!"
As silly as that quote is, and it's from the Simpsons(The episode where the alien Kodos is in the guise of Bill Clinton), it really reflects just how silly and at the same time terrifying the last speech Dubya gave. Not only did he offer up the nonsense he usually does, bring up 9/11 for the six hundred millionth time and make more allusions to a conflict with Iran he, basically, put his little foot down and expects Iraq to suddenly shape up?
"To establish its authority, the Iraqi government plans to take responsibility for security in all of Iraq's provinces by November."
Yeah. November. Okay. That's REALLY going to happen since, after all, things have been going so WELL over there for the past few years now eh?
"To give every Iraqi citizen a stake in the country's economy, Iraq will pass legislation to share oil revenues among all Iraqis."
That, right there, is just an outright lie. No such thing will happen. There is too much at stake for companies such as Halliburton, Exxon-Mobil, Shell, Texaco and etc to do such a generous thing. The soon to be amended Iraqi constitution will soon have some text detailing just how much of that 'oil money' will reach the people and they'll be lucky if it totals to a few paltry dollars let alone give the people of that wartorn nation part of the lion's share of profits off the oil. NEXT!
"This time, Iraqi and American forces will have a green light to enter these neighborhoods - and Prime Minister Maliki has pledged that political or sectarian interference will not be tolerated."
The green light, huh? Well, that's good to hear. Maliki sure has his ducks in a row, right? We'll be able to just stroll into these formerly closed off neighborhoods(more like nests full of insurgent forces who'd LOVE to gun down a squad of American soldiers)and start clearing them out? Sectarian 'interference', political or otherwise, isn't going to come to a grinding halt thanks to the anemic Maliki.
So, we're going to try to put 20,000 more boots on the ground when all signs point to doing such a thing isn't the best course of action. Who is honestly surprised that after all reccommendations of the Iraq Study Group that the Administration is pushing for this? The language of escalation is being used once again and that, right there, is enough to put fear into any true American. No, I'm not going to say a draft is coming, but frankly, the language and the policy are hauntingly familiar to something we did a while back..remember it? Vietnam. Escalation occurred under Johnson, the number of troops increased and the death toll rose astronomically from somewhere around 3000 to 58,000. That was a smashing success right?
This was, without a doubt, one of the most important speeches Bush has ever had to give because it not only concerns this debacle of a war we're involved but it alludes to his legacy which will become apparent within only a few years from now. Was it a good speech? Eh. Not really. Did he say much that was new? Not really. He did however toss out some words and some promises that, frankly, I don't buy into nor do I think most of the American people are going to either.
That being said there are things going on that I find rather pleasing like this new Senate/House of Representatives "100 Hour Plan" that is already in full effect. Reccommendations of the 9/11 Commission being eneacted, the minimum wage being raised for the first time in a decade, stem-cell research and, without a doubt, a counter-plan or legislation that will hopefully bring a halt to this god damned war machine that is grinding forward in Iraq right now. I do not wish to see those gears greased with the blood of our soldiers any longer. When even the troops who are over in the thick of it do not support their leader, do not support their reasons for being there, then I say I am a firm supporter of the troops and what they need/want.
So, anyway, school is about to start back. ;[ Burning Crusade is about to hit and it happens to do so the day class starts for me again. Temptation will have me just not go the first day and level. OH HOW I WANT TO but I won't because, well, I'm not a total junkie .. yet.