And I drink Mochas with a minimum of two sugars. ... Four if I really need that sugar hit. And if it's a large coffee. I never got the hang of that trick Thadani always had with a plethora of sugars in one espresso cup.
So I wanted to write a similar article to Wil Anderson's on the state of coffee drinking in the country. Whereas he launched himself on a diatribe against those people whose choice of ... coffee specialization has gone above and beyond a joke ( Though I do agree the "no froth" coffee drinkers are buffoons ), I was thinking more along the lines of how people can be classified by what coffee they drink. But that smacks of being a fool as well, so there goes that blogging idea.
But to be honest ( And I do strive for honesty ), I really am what my coffee represents. That right, Mochas. A cheerful mix of chocolate and coffee. Taking the childishness of hot chocolates and combined with the adult nature of a latte, with a cheeky hint of uppity pretentiousness that lattes represent. In short, it says that a person still has a lot of growing up to accomplish, and enjoys taste over substance. Though what worries me more is what my sugar additions say about me. And no, I'm not one of those folks who will loudly and bitterly complain to the world that my Mocha has chocolate sprinkles on top instead of cinnamon. That would just be pushing people's general tolerance of me beyond limits, wouldn't you say?
Nevertheless, I've been struggling for blogging ideas lately. It's almost as if one could describe it as a writer's block, except writer's gain a certain amount of financial profit for their efforts and I gain ... well I'm not entirely certain what I gain from distributing the words from my head across the electronic communications of this day and age but I'm sure it would have to be worth some sort of value for continuing doing so for the past six years or so.
It's entirely possible that I could chalk it up to the attention that I have received over the years, for bringing friends and family closer together, for communications becoming so much more easier than a fine hand at calligraphy & missives sent by the postman ( or post-woman ), for replacing the pen & paper diary of old, for oh so many other reasonings which currently escape the alcohol-hole-ridden cerebrum of mine.
Perhaps its a representation of the stagnation of my life that I cannot think of something to just free-type about for a solid half hour per day like I used to. My thoughts no longer flow as freely. I'm falling into a rut one might suppose. Oh well *cracks knuckles* time for me to dig myself out of this rut.
This webpimp goes out to my New York friends:
School of Gaming. You KNOW you want to join. 2009. Do it for me. ^_^
On a small side-note, because I cannot be bothered blogging twice I've attached Facebook note's ability to my LJ account. Apologies in advance to those LJ friends who have me on Facebook. You just get to be slammed by my words. TWICE!
That's all for now.