May 17, 2008 11:07
After the early week Live Journal drama, this week turned out very well.
I got my "midterm" evaluation. That went VERY well. Unfortunately, it doesn't mean much since our raises are not tied (not directly, anyway) to our evaluations.
I got my regulation package forwarded to DC. That's good, very good. After my initial frustration with their comments (and laughter at the irony of them telling me things needed to be more specific without telling me WHICH things need to be more specific). After a conference call with them to figure out which things were in need of specificity, I sort of got the big head because they were complimenting us on a VERY well-written, easy to understand document. I didn't feel like telling them I was too stupid to be able to use the kind of obtuse language that most regulations contained.
Thursday night, Whiskey Falls did a show on It was very interesting for three reasons; One: It was Whiskey Falls (if you don't like country, you won't like them, even though they're not completely country... They're more like a countryfied version of The Eagles), Two: The audio and video quality were amazing for a streaming concert. (I remember the first time I saw streaming video... I was in high school, and that 2 frames per second of postage stamp sized video was considered BLAZING fast); and Three: The DeepRockDrive format allows for an insane amount of interaction with the band.
Yesterday, I finally got the Crate and Barrel package Holly ordered (I had to go to Lexington to do it because UPS wouldn't deliver it on Saturday).
This morning, I did 5K in 28:29.12. I attribute picking up 2 minutes over last week to the fact that the last mile wasn't up Capital Avenue.
Today, the menu contains roasted pork tenderloin (Kroger had these on sale at a ridiculously low price). I would smoke it, but I'm not allowed to have a grill or smoker at my apartment (yes, I do recognize the humor in someone who works on regulations that address, among other things, particulate matter, using a smoker).
Hooray for today!