Fortune Teller Synopsis: Jenny utilizes the Coven to learn more about her past. To do so, she must call upon Angel for help, and together they go into his memories and revisit when he was cursed with a soul. In the process, Jenny learns a lot more than she bargained for.
Please leave any feedback here for 'Fortune Teller.'
Ok, so for starters… AMAZING BACKSTORY FTW! Seriously, this whole chapter, especially coupled with the previous, was full of so much win it’s almost not fair to any and all other writers in the whole of fanfic. You basically just bitch-slapped Joss for a job not done.
I have been so excited about learning Jenny’s past and you certainly did not disappoint! So, for the finer details…
* The sexiness that is J/G post-sex is quite a lovely read. Even the second time around, that was astonishingly butterfly inducing. And yes, Giles, please do walk across the room again… and again… and again… My Lord, if I were Jenny, I’d have to keep a stash of panties in the nightstand to throw at him regularly. Yum!
* Someone been putting something in your coffee again? Hehehe, LMD reference FTW! XDDD
* Hehe… Damn straight Jenny demanded he take off his pants. That’s because she’s ( ... )
Thank you again, SO much, for your kindness! At the start I wasn't sure how well these last two chapters would be received, since they're more informational than anything else. I'm so happy you enjoyed them both.
(And if Grave does happen to roll around when you're doing 80 hour weeks, please let me know and I'll make sure not to say anything spoilery on Twitter -- that's where I'm unleashing the twists and turns, after all! *wicked wink*)
(This doesn't necessarily mean I won't post good-naturedly-wicked teases on Twitter, of course. Hehehe. It's the evil bunnies.)
The sexiness that is J/G post-sex is quite a lovely read. Even the second time around, that was astonishingly butterfly inducing. Hehehe, why thank you! I got those pretty images in my head and HAD to share them. I figured you guys wouldn't mind. ;) (Also, LOL at your Jenny/panties comment. I could so see her doing that, just as a joke -- howling and cat-calling Giles, throwing spare undies at him while he rolls his eyes, but secretly loves it! HEE.)
Her roots grow deep with him… or is it the other way around! Badump-chhhhhhh XD Yes, folks… I’ll be here all ( ... )
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