2015.09.14 AD - Japanese art makes one happier.

Oct 14, 2019 02:52

<º)))>< Translation of Ohno Satoshi's 'Arashi Discovery'.
<º)))>< Translations by ear (aided by Japanese transcripts).
<º)))>< Check my FAQ if you have questions.


Good morning. This is Arashi's Ohno Satoshi.
Here's today's thought of the day; come on!

"And one cannot study Japanese art, it seems to me, without becoming merrier and happier" [1]

[BGM 'Aozora no Shita, Kimi no Tonari']

Ahh. I'm kinda happy about that! (laughs)
This is a quote by the famous Dutch artist who painted 'Sunflowers' and so on, Vincent van Gogh. In his last years, he became fascinated by ukiyo-e and collected a considerable number of them. This is something he wrote in a letter to his younger brother, Theo. He flourished in the 19th century art world and created many works influenced by Japanese art.

This Japanese art influence was apparently called Japonism.

Japonism! I seem to hear that quite a lot these days. 'Japonism'.

Oh right, that's right! Would you believe it? Arashi's 14th new album 'Japonism' is on sale 21st October! (wolf whistles and applause)

Man, thank you very much! The title of the album is 'Japonism'. I knew it sounded familiar! What a coincidence! (laughs)

Sorry! So why 'Japonism' this time? Like I said earlier, that Japanese influence! There's a lot of Japanese elements in here. That's the aim of this album, so to speak.

So there'll be several songs that'll be very Japanese. Well, amongst them, we have a world-famous guitarist - Hotei Tomoyasu, who collaborated on a song with us.

Man, y'know, that was a first. Mm. Well, we asked him, and he said okay. And he came! And then at that time, when he completed it, Nino and Aiba-chan couldn't be there, so the rest of us listened to it.

What can I say? It's a whole different world, isn't it? Like, that vibe filled the studio. Plus there was Hotei-san right in front of us. The real deal, right before us.

"Right, so let's play a little of that." So he did.

Man, it's got incredible impact! And then: "How was that?"

"Man, that was impressive!"

What was it, that atmosphere? That was kind of mysterious. Man, that song was incredibly good. The 3 of us were overwhelmed. Like, "Man, that's incredible!" Yeah.

We really had a collaboration with Hotei-san. And that song's in there. And then the 5 of us have various solos in there, too. We sang at Waku Waku Gakkou and so on. And then the song we've been singing all this while, 'Furusato' ('hometown') is on the regular edition too.

Anyway, there's a lot in there! (laughs) Well, on that note, it's on sale 21st October, so by all means, please listen to it!

That's all; this was Ohno Satoshi!


[1] Full quote: "And one cannot study Japanese art, it seems to me, without becoming merrier and happier, and we should turn back to nature in spite of our education and our work in a conventional world." --Vincent van Gogh in a letter to his brother Theo, 24 September 1888

This should have been a September post, but there were so many days I missed in September (vs only 2 days missed in October) that I figured I might as well spread it out more evenly!

Grab the audio for this entry here; courtesy of the lovely


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