2014.10.02 AD - Avoid arguments.

Oct 02, 2019 07:12

<º)))>< Translation of Ohno Satoshi's 'Arashi Discovery'.
<º)))>< Translations by ear (aided by Japanese transcripts).
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Good morning. This is Arashi's Ohno Satoshi.
Here's today's thought of the day; come on!

"I have come to the conclusion that there is only one way under high heaven to get the best of an argument - and that is to avoid it." [1]

[BGM 'Endless Game']

(laughs) I see!
This is a quote by American entrepreneur, Dale Carnegie. It means that instead of taking a difficult topic head-on, achieve your goal while avoiding that issue.

That kinda feels like running away, though! (laughs)
This was sent in by listener 'Secchan'. The message reads:
"Good morning, Oh-chan. It's Secchan here. When I first learned of this quote, I thought of Oh-chan and how you tend to be evasive on various things."

I see. But for all you know, I might be super argumentative!
...I'm not, though. (laughs)

"It's not like this."
"Not like that."
"Ah, that's not it."
"No, that's... I wonder?"
"No, it's like this, right?"
"No, wait!"

...Like that, right? I don't really do that, though. Even if it's something that's they've done, I tend to accept it. I guess I listen to people's views? Mm.

Like, if you just decide things on your own, you get blinded to stuff around you and just go straight on, right? Then if something happens, you tend to get trapped. Then if you hear someone else's view, it's like, "Ah, so that's another way of looking at it". That often tends to happen. In art and in choreography, both. Mm.

So like, often when doing choreography, I'd do it, then Matsujun'd be like, "Wouldn't it be good if we did it like this?" Then when he does, quite often I'd be like, "Ah, he's right". Mm. "Ah, let's do that, then!" That happens pretty often. Mm. Sho-kun would often say stuff too, like, "If we did this and this, then that'd work better overall, right?" "Ah, great! That's great!" So quite a lot of their opinions get added in.

But like, the fact that they're thinking about my choreography that much and that they're accepting it makes me happy. But for parts that I'm very definite about, I won't give in. Like the ending poses and stuff. Mm. So like, there are times where they're like, "Really? Like this??" "Mm. Like that. Do it!" That's the best part of choreographing, for me.

But like if another choreographer did it, it'd be like, "Ah, is it bothering you? Then I'll change it, hang on." But I won't budge! I have that sort of mean streak, too. (laughs)

Come to think of it, that's been pretty fun, lately. The fact that I'm getting to choreograph more. Eh, so for the next tour, I might be choreographing a few songs too, you never know. So please guess which ones!

That's all; this was Ohno Satoshi!


[1] From Carnegie's book, 'How to Win Friends and Influence People'(1936).

Grab the audio for this entry here; courtesy of the lovely


**嵐:松本潤, **嵐:櫻井翔, *arashi discovery, -audio, **嵐, **嵐:大野智, *ad: dance/choreo

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