<º)))>< Translation of Ohno Satoshi's 'Arashi Discovery'.
<º)))>< Translations by ear (aided by
Japanese transcripts).
<º)))>< Check my
FAQ if you have questions.
Good morning. This is Arashi's Ohno Satoshi.
Here's today's thought of the day; come on!
"If the "Magpie Bridge"
Bridge by flight of magpies spanned,
White with frost I see
With a deep-laid frost made white
Late, I know, has grown the night."
[1] [BGM 'Akatsuki']
This is one of the poems in the
Hyakunin Isshu, by
Chūnagon Yakamochi-san. Right?
This was sent in by listener Naho-chan. The message reads:
"In China,
legend has it that on the evening of the seventh, a flock of magpies spread their wings and formed a bridge across the Milky Way. Wonderful, isn't it? As it's
Tanabata, it'd be great if Orihime and Hikoboshi could meet! If Oh-chan were to make a wish for Tanabata, what would you wish for?"
I see.
Somehow, I still associate this with childhood. When I was a kid, we often wrote our wishes and attached them to the bamboo leaves. Those delicate bamboo leaves. I remember that vividly.
As a kid, I always used to write 'health first'. That's why I'm all good now. I'm healthy! Mm. Naturally, it's important to keep saying that.
So like, what would I write now? Right now... Well, it'd be 'for this movie to end without incident', wouldn't it? If you asked me to say what's on my mind right now. Yeah. That's what it'd be. Mm.
And then to be careful of the summer heat. It's hot, after all. So 'health first'. Of course.
I mean, if you're not healthy, you can't do anything at 100%. So that's why I say that.
That's right, I'm not really the type that catches colds. But the moment the drama ended, I was kinda like... Eh? To be honest... Mm. I was kinda flu-ish. My throat was all dry. But that was it, luckily. Often in January, I tend to let my guard down. But nah, this time I was fine.
So next will be getting into preparations for the movie. Gonna have to brace myself for that lifestyle again. Well, I'll keep an eye on my body so I can keep it in perfect condition. That's what I'd hope for.
My hair's growing out, too. Somehow or another. Um, for the movie, I'm having this light half-wig thing. Like a wig that matches my own hair. Like at the nape of the neck? And the sideburns? The parts at the side. I was told not to get them trimmed in the second half of my drama. Mm. So it has something to do with that, I guess?
So it's not gonna be completely like a ninja where you can only see the eyes. Like, my fringe will be brushed back and I guess there's a top-knot kinda thing? On top, like, that sort of thing.
So like, I'm not getting a haircut for the time being. Um, those who like my hair long, you're in luck! (laughs) I won't be getting it cut!
That's all; this was Ohno Satoshi!
[1] Poem #6, from the
English translation by Clay MacCauley here.
In Japanese:
かささぎの 渡せる橋に おく霜の 白きを見れば 夜ぞ更けにけるkasasagi no wataseru hashi ni oku shimo no shiroki wo mireba yozo fuke ni keru
Grab the audio for this entry
here, thanks to the ever-generous
nepheliads <3