2015.02.11 AD - Forming a taste for X.

Feb 11, 2019 05:50

<º)))>< Translation of Ohno Satoshi's 'Arashi Discovery'.
<º)))>< Translations by ear (aided by Japanese transcripts).
<º)))>< Check my FAQ if you have questions.


Good morning. This is Arashi's Ohno Satoshi.
Here's today's thought of the day; come on!

"味を占める/aji wo shimeru (to form a taste for x)"

[BGM 'truth']

It's a simple one today.

This is a phrase that expresses not being able to forget how good or how interesting something is after having tasted it once, and then hoping to do more of it. The kanji for 'shimeru' is the 占/sen from 独占/dokusen (monopoly).

For example:
"The other day after Satoshi-chan performed a one-shot gag in public, he got a big laugh out of everyone and formed a taste for it. He'll be showing us another new gag today."

...Let's quit doing this? Even though I read it out. Haven't there been an awful lot of these type of things lately? (laughs)

Like, it happened the other day, too. Though they shelved it. There were quite a lot, like 5-6 lines of rap? Like, "Hey! Yo! Yeah!" and all. Then fast forward to today, they were like, "That part after the rap was interesting, so we cut out the rap part". (laughs)

Let's air a special collection of unaired cuts next time! (laughs) I worked hard on those!

Speaking of 'forming a taste for', I'm sorry, but it's gotta be fishing! Seriously, this is... how many years has it been again? My fishing career... Started from the autumn of 2007, so it's on to the 8th year now.

I've been using the same rod the whole time. I've bought others, but naturally when it comes down to it, I use the first rod I ever bought. Ah, but when I fish for red seabream I use a different one meant for red seabream. But generally, for the rod used for sea bass -- when I go for sea bass, naturally I'd use that. It's got 7 years of history, so I doubt it'd fail me. Yeah.

(laughs) It's never broken. Mm. I've never done any maintenance on it either, frankly. Not even once. Right at first, I used to wash it, but... Though I'm a blood-type-A, I'm pretty type-O about these things [1].

But with fishing, I don't know why it is, but I like everything about it. Well, it's great that you can be alone for that -- and that's an important part of it, but like... While you're wondering whether you'll get a bite or not, and then your reel suddenly spins... The adrenaline when it finally comes!

(laughs) Man, but seriously, I don't know what to say. Y'know, I kinda feel like taking submissions again. Mm. Like it's popular amongst women now. I'd like to take submissions from the ladies -- Did I do that last time?

Like, for the ladies who listen to my radio show, any of you who've thought, "Maybe I should try fishing", tried it, and ended up completely forming a taste for it. Please start flooding my inbox! I'd be kinda flattered. Mm. I did it previously, right? Let's do it again.

I'd like to read those again. And then I'll feel like I'm doing something good. (laughs) Let's do it again. I'm taking submissions!

That's all; this was Ohno Satoshi!


Grab the audio for this entry here; courtesy of the lovely nepheliads

[1] Referring to popular (but unscientific) blood type personality theory, where people with blood-type-A are supposedly more meticulous and blood-type-O are more slapdash.


*ad: fishing, *ad: submissions, *arashi discovery, -audio, **嵐, **嵐:大野智

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