2016.01.18 AD - There is no try.

Jan 18, 2016 08:34

<º))))>< Translation of Ohno Satoshi's 'Arashi Discovery'
<º))))>< Translations by ear (and Japanese transcripts if I miss stuff).
<º))))>< Check my FAQ if you have questions.


Good morning. This is Arashi's Ohno Satoshi.
Here's today's thought of the day; come on!

"No, try not! Do or do not! There is no try."

[BGM 'Ai wo Sakebe']


This is a quote from the movie Star Wars Episode V, 'The Empire Strikes Back', by the Jedi Master Yoda in response to the timid 'I'll try' uttered by the protagonist Luke Skywalker.

Translated into Japanese, it means, "No, not 'I'll try'. Either you do it or don't. There is no 'I'll try'."

It's a great quote, this is.

Right. So speaking of Star Wars... Once again, happy new year! Um... Well, the year has begun. Yeah. That's right. Star Wars and I... and Arashi... We did a collaboration during the Kouhaku Uta Gassen. That was a pretty rare precious experience. We held light sabers and the five of us did it. Mm. It was fun and it was over in a flash.

Like, we weren't the hosts on the 31st. First, in the morning we did the rehearsals for the Johnnys Countdown. That was until about midday, I think? Then from there, we went into the NHK at a little past 4pm. So we had about 4 hours open. Up until now, we've always been the hosts for Kouhaku, so we'd definitely have no time free in between. So like, this time for the first time in 6 years, we were free.

'Ah, what should I do?' I wondered. I was torn between whether to take a nap or not. I didn't particularly have to nap, but I figured in any case, I'd go home.

Generally I end up doing my spring-cleaning at the start of the new year, right? Since at the end of the old year, I tend to have so much work that I can't really get around to it.

But this time I was free! I thought. So it was now or never! I could spend the new year leisurely without having to clean, I thought. This is it! So I did it continuously for 3 hours. Yeah.

So by the time I went into the NHK, I was tired. (laughs) Man, that break was precious. I was waving that light saber while feeling refreshed, body and soul. Yeah. And then the new year began. I was really refreshed.

So that was really great. That break midway. That was a perfect end of year. And then the year began. Yeah. That was a wonderful feeling to start off work with as well.

And already, Arashi has been active. It's the release of our new single!

(applause and wolf whistles)

Right, without further delay. This will be on sale on Thursday 24th February. The title is 'Fukkatsu Love' (Love Revival/Rebirth). Lyrics by Takeuchi Mariya-san. Composition and arrangement by Yamashita Tatsuro-san.

How's that? They're husband and wife. Man, that's really... um, during the recording, Yamashita-san was, well...

...I'll save this story for a little closer to the time of release!

That's all; this was Ohno Satoshi!


Grab today's episode here, courtesy of nepheliads


*ad: anecdotes, *arashi discovery, -audio, **嵐, **嵐:大野智

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