Bill Timeline (and relevant posts/threads) WIP:

May 07, 2007 14:42

29 November: Bill is born.

12 December: Charlie is born

26 August: Percy is born.

Spring: Bill goes to stay with Uncle Gideon in London for a weekend. ( RP of this Here)
06 Apr: Fleur is born.

01 April: FredandGeorge are born.

01 March: Ron is born.
April: Bill (and Charlie) write to Ged about his war injuries. ( Letter and threads here)

21 January: Gideon and Fabian are murdered.
11 August: Ginny is born.

01 Sept: Bill starts at Hogwarts.

Summer: Charlie temporarily acquires a unicorn named Fizbee thus proving he's a girl.

01 Sept: Charlie starts at Hogwarts; Bill is in 3rd year (and using a timeturner to get to all of his classes).

July: Bill gets his first tattoo (the gemini) from a muggle artist in London.

June: Bill earns OWLs in all 12 subjects offered at Hogwarts.

April: Bill starts to date Owen Wood.

February: Bill gets caught having sex with Owen by McGonagall and Hooch.
June: Bill finishes his education at Hogwarts.
Sept: Bill starts training as a Cursebreaker; Owen goes to play for the Pride of Portree.

July: Bill gets a job in Egypt with Gringotts and gets his second tattoo (the twin dragons). ( Fic about his leaving Here

June: Charlie finishes at Hogwarts and goes off to Romania.
Aug?: Bill goes to see Charlie in Romania.
Nov?: Bill finishes his first big, solitary job for Gringotts and gets third tattoo (the lions on his back), also meets Mesi and Mbizi.
Dec: Charlie is dating Jonah.

Feburary?: Bill moves in with Mesi and Mbizi.
April?: Goes to see Charlie in Romania again, gets his ear pierced.
May: Has an encounter with a seer. ( Pensieve Memory and RP threads Here)
Sept: Ginny starts Hogwarts.

Summer: Weasley family visits Egypt; Twins try to lock Percy in pyramid; Charlie breaks Bill's jaw.

?: Charlie comes to see Bill in Egypt.
August: Attends the Quidditch World Cup, takes on DE's and injures his arm.

May: Meets Fleur before the third task.
June: Moves back to England, sharing a flat in London with other Gringotts employee Jack.
late June/early July: Writes to Fleur then goes to see her in Marseilles. Letters and threads Here
Summer: Charlie gets a girl (Tsura).
July: Meets Sirius.
late Nov: Lets his own flat off of Diagon.
21 Nov: Researches the Dark Mark ( Letter and threads Here)
early Dec: Shows Fleur the flat.

Early: Charlie shags his girl.
Apr: FredandGeorge show up on Bill's doorstep after leaving school and stay with him until their flat is ready.
21 June: Sirius dies.
1 July: Gets his fourth tattoo (the black jackal on his hip).

Mar?: Buys a cottage with Fleur
May: Is mauled by Fenrir Greyback ( Ginny's Memory of this Here)
21 Jun: Experiences his first full moon after the attack. ( Medical Records Here)
2 Aug: Gets his fifth tattoo (foxglove around his left nippple) and Marries Fleur.
07 Oct: Visits Augustus Rookwood in Azkaban( Visitor request form and threads here)
20 Oct: Breaks Gus and 12 muggleborns out of Azkaban with Charlie ( Newspaper clippings and threads here)
22 Oct: Gives Gus a box of Ged's things ( Contents here)

March: Trio show up at Shell Cottage with cellar escapees.
May: Final Battle and Fred dies
June: Bill goes to Egypt with Charlie and gets his sixth tattoo (fireworks on his left arsecheek)
June: Bill finds out Fleur is pregnant with twins (Felice Briallen and Gisele Rhys)
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