"The young lion will hide from Aten, but he will come again under the eye of Horus."
AtenEye of Horus "I see one who rejects Anubis, I see him take a bright sun into his embrace and consume her from within."
Anubis "I see one dive into the conflagration and rise the Bennu bird, and in its nest will the lion stumble in the teeth of Wepwawet. I see Sopdet blaze under the fangs of the sun-devourer's lover, bright Sekhmet, and shroud himself against the rising flood, and the waters will be salt."
Bennu birdWepwawetSopdetSekhmet "More! Your brother! And Seth."
Seth I've got Isis and Osiris here for that."
IsisOsiris I've left it without direct explanation for anyone who wants to puzzle it out. Feel free to ask questions or for clarification.