Name: Bill Weasley
Formate: Note
Date: 21 November 1995
Relevance: Investigation into the Dark Mark
Archivist's Note: This note was sent from Bill Weasley (his given name signed in heiroglyphs) presumably to brother and sister artists Mbizi and Mesi Bayoumi, residents of Cairo, who B. Weasley lived with whilst working for Gringotts in Egypt.
Transcript as follows:
M and M, I need some information on magical tattoos and brands. Ones connected to other people and not just animated like my lions. Particularly information on how they can be used to relay messages, summons, and the health of ht eperson who placed it or who it represents. Also, what of removal of the tattoo/scar or destruction of the spells in it? I'd be grateful for any help you can give me with this and I might be able to arrange test subjects if needed. Fancy a trip to England? My Love to you both. -Bill