May 01, 2007 04:06
Wow. I've been writing a lot lately, haven't I? I've got a few paragraphs on half a dozen fics all over the place, but this is really cool.
Wrote this in about twenty minutes, it's a splatter of a dozen concepts that'll be in use for the Sue fic.
Title: Sevens and Threes
Rating: G
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Notes: It's a case of 'The Sue strikes again!' I'd say read it anyway, even if that's not your thing. Pre-KH, Xehanort One-Shot. Mini!Kairi brief appearance.
Everything was balanced.
Xehanort didn’t know who had taught him that, just that no one in his present life seemed to believe it. Or, those who believed in the phrase did not understand it the same way he did.
It seemed like they all thought that everything came in twos, Light and Dark, Good and Evil. Xehanort didn’t think it was nearly as clear as they seemed to see. Sometimes it might be, but mostly it wasn’t. There was Grey and that thin line that could be walked upon, the separation between good and evil.
Then there was Right and Wrong, concepts that were never clear. There could be multiple wrong decisions, and only one right. Or every choice could be correct, in some small way. Who were they to say that this life had not been planned for them from the start? Who were they to believe that there was such a thing as free will?
Who were they to believe that those three concepts went hand in hand?
Twos were unacceptable. He didn’t know why, just that they were. Everything came in threes, and those three ideas that went together but weren’t the same followed the same path. Negative, positive and zero.
It wasn’t quite right, any odd number could function as a balance. Three was merely the lowest number where it was possible to create a standing figure.
Seven total, Light, Dark, Grey, Right, Wrong, Good and Evil.
Seven sins (where had he learned that?), Envy, Wrath, Pride, Lust, Greed, Sloth and Gluttony.
Seven virtues, Kindness, Patience, Humility, Chastity, Liberality, Diligence and Abstinence.
Seven, Six, Five and Three.
Dark and Light were neither Good nor Evil, but used as means to an end. The Darkness was feared, and the Light worshipped. How could this be, he wondered, when the Light was what hurt his eyes as he stepped out of the Darkness? How could they not understand that the Darkness was just as imperative to their continued survival, evolution, as the Light? That there was a reason they felt safe sleeping in the night, and that shadows tempered the brightness of the day just as much as stars lit up the night.
Seven Princesses of Light, pure their Hearts were. Untainted by sin, loved and worshipped by all who knew them.
Seven Princess of the Dark, pure their Hearts were. Untainted by sin, loved and feared by all those who knew them.
Seven hidden in the Grey, pure their Hearts will be. Hidden in the shadows, to be loved by all.
Others hidden in the Void, opposite and the same. Tainted they will be, the Fallen they are.
In his dreams, he was with his family, and two young women teased him like a brother.
He knew the memories were there, he just couldn’t reach them when he woke up.
In the day, two young parents with a little green eyed girl watched him warily when the little girl ran to him and asked him about the world.
In the day, a little red headed girl stared up at him with big blue eyes as she smiled, and asked, “Do you want to play with me?”
In the night, a young scientist and his wife disappeared shortly after Ienzo (almost like a brother) said he was looking for new test subjects. In the night, he never dreamed about his past again.
And that was wrong.
And now I think I should make tags. Really, I had to dig back a lot more entries than I thought I would to find some earlier fic I put up. Didn't realize that I'd used it this much.
kingdom hearts,
sue fic,