21 Aug 22 - Ready

Aug 21, 2022 20:30

Title: Ready
Author: Beriaearwen
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Batman
Rating: Suitable for people over 13
Word Count: 1450
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Mutant Enemy, etc. The characters of Batman belong to DC Comics, etc. All are used here without permission. No copyright infringement is intended.
Note: So… Not sure where this came from. I was staring at a blank document screen trying to figure out what in the world to write and unsure of even what crossover to use and the idea of Stephanie ripping a door handle off popped into my mind. This is set after the "Batman and Robin" arch where Dick Grayson was Batman, Damian Wayne was Robin and Stephanie Brown was Batgirl.

Summary: She wasn’t a meta, Batman’s many blood tests had proven that, but she couldn’t exactly let anyone know she was stronger than she should be.

By Beriaearwen

Stephanie Brown was more or less happy with her life. She was in college. She had good grades. She had close friends and family. She was a vigilante who got to take out her frustrations on the criminal element.

She lived in Gotham.

She should have known something would go wrong.

She quietly cursed at the door handle in her hand. The first time it happened she just assumed that the door handle had been loose and she just hadn’t noticed. But this was the third handle that had broken off today and, given she could see the clean break, none of the boys had been playing a prank on her.

She knew she needed to report this to someone.

Dick would be her first choice. He was, after all, her Batman, but he was currently on an off-world mission for a few weeks.

Barbara would be the most logical choice, but she didn’t want to get the woman’s curiosity up. Not that Barbara wouldn’t be sympathetic, but she just wasn’t up to the number of questions for which she didn’t have answers.

Bruce would have her locked in a cell in the Batcave with all sorts of tests and monitors. He seemed to have only gotten worse since he came back from being lost in time.

Cass would listen to her, but there wasn’t a lot she could do over in Hong Kong other than tell her to speak to Bruce.

Since going to someone else seemed to not be an option, there was the idea of hiding it. Could she hide her sudden strength. It’s not like she knew where it came from. There weren’t any weird rays or liquids or spells or anything that she ran across last night, just run-of-the-mill thugs and muggers.

She paused at the thought of spells. There had been that dream last night, well, a couple of them. There was the blonde woman asking her if she was ready to be strong and, well, of course she was. There was no other way to be and survive Gotham other than strong.

But there had also been the follow-up dreams about vampires and demons and girls - so many girls - fighting them and killing them and being killed by them.

She shivered at the thought. Whatever this was, she would need to keep it to herself for now. She would have to learn to control her strength.

A sigh escaped her. She would have to figure out how to deal with a suddenly fragile world. If only she knew someone with super strength who wasn’t a villain.


Six months later

Stephanie was sitting at a table outside on campus during one of the few sunny days in Gotham when she looked up and saw a petite blonde about her own age approaching.

Something inside her pulled, but not in a bad way, not in the way she felt when she encountered the few demons and vampires that had been around the past six months.

She shifted slightly, still looking relaxed, but in a much better position to defend herself if need be.

The other blonde stopped a few feet away and offered a friendly smile. “Hi. I’m Buffy. I was hoping you could spare a few minutes to talk?”

Stephanie blinked a few times. She knew that voice. It was the same one that asked her if she wanted to be strong. She inspected the other woman and saw the taught muscles and relaxed stance that she only saw in the other Bats. “Sure,” she said impulsively. The table was fairly isolated, so they should be able to talk without being overheard.

“Thanks,” Buffy said, taking a seat on the opposite side of the table and pulling a crystal out of her pocket. “This will make it so others can’t overhear what we’re saying. Is it OK if I leave it out on the table?”

Studying the other woman’s expression, Stephanie realized she was being very careful. It was unusual for someone to ask about silencing a conversation. “Sure,” She agreed with a shrug, watching as Buffy placed the crystal in the middle of a table and tapped it in a distinctive pattern.

“OK. So, as I said, I’m Buffy. Buffy Summers and about six months ago, you most likely had a dream of me asking you if you were ready to be strong.”

Stephanie nodded, acknowledging the truth without offering anything else.

“I’m sorry it took us so long to find you and speak to you, but I’ll explain why that was. So, there’s a story that starts like this, ‘The world is older than you know…’.”

Sitting quietly during the recital and only asking some clarifying questions, Stephanie absorbed what she was being told. It did make sense with regard to the dreams she’d been having and with the improved senses and strength she had noticed starting the night of the dream.

“Let’s get dinner,” Buffy suggested after a few minutes of silence lingered between them. “It’s a lot to take in, but we still need to eat.”

“Sure,” Stephanie agreed, gathering her books together.

Buffy tapped the crystal again, picked it up and slipped it into her pocket. “So, what are you studying?” she asked as Stephanie slipped the last of her notebooks into her backpack.

“Pre-med,” she informed. Seeing the question on Buffy’s face that the other woman wouldn’t ask, she added, “I met a doctor who is amazing and I hope to grow up and be half as great a person as she is.”

Buffy smiled and nodded. “That’s great. This world needs more people who care and are willing to step up. So, You definitely have a life here and I don’t want to interrupt it, but we’re trying to ensure that everyone who was called has contact information and back-up. You don’t have to be an active Slayer, but just being a Slayer will draw the supernatural to you. Also, once you’re done with your schooling, residency, etc., I’m sure we’ll have the money sorted to offer you a job.”

Stephanie smiled and shook her head. “I’ll take the contact info and try to make a training course or two, but Gotham is my home and they need doctors here too, especially ones willing to work in less affluent areas.”

“Hmm,” Buffy said thoughtfully, pace momentarily slowing as she seemed to get lost in thought.

“What hmm?” Stephanie asked, suspicion lacing the edges of her tone.

“Nothing, well… Just…” Buffy took a deep breath and let it out, slowing her thoughts. “As I said, not all demons are evil or bad. Some are neutral and just trying to get by. There’s not a huge demon population here since there are too many villains of the week for them to feel safe, but, If we can find the right connections, they could probably use a doctor as well.”

Stephanie snorted in amusement. “A demon doctor? Me?”

“Not only, just in addition to your normal practice. As I said, and as I’m sure you noticed, there aren’t a whole lot of demons or vampires in Gotham.”

With a shake of her head, Stephanie started walking again, Buffy falling in step beside her. Part of her scoffed at the idea. There wasn’t even a guarantee she’d make it through Medical School. And her very visceral reaction to the demons and vampires she’d met would make it hard to control her desire to slay them, but… But wasn’t she going into medicine to help those who couldn’t afford it? For those who society forgot about or overlooked? Didn’t that describe demons too?

The duo were quiet the rest of the walk to the restaurant.

It was only after they sat down and had been handed menus that Stephanie offered, “I’ll keep that in mind.”


“You’re quiet tonight, Batgirl,” Nightwing stated, after settling on the rooftop beside her.

“Thinking,” she replied.

“Thoughts you can share?”

Batgirl tilted her head to the side, thinking about it. Coming to a decision, she turned toward Nightwing. “Not tonight, but I think soon.” She paused, becoming slightly tense. “It would need to stay just between us,” she cautioned.

Nightwing studied her face for a few moments, at least what he could see of it. “Alright,” he agreed. “Just between you and me. Come to my place when you’re ready to talk. Less chance of someone overhearing.”

Batgirl smiled at him, her shoulders relaxing. “Thanks.”

Before any more could be said, an alarm sounded a few blocks over, calling them to action.

Taking off running, Batgirl made sure to moderate her speed. As she easily leapt to the next rooftop beside Nightwing, she decided she would tell him soon.


fandom: batman, !2022 august event, author: beriaearwen

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