Aug 21 - Double Trouble

Aug 21, 2022 22:22

Title: Double Trouble
Author: Grundy
Rating: FR13
Crossover: LotR/Silmarillion
Disclaimer: All belongs to Whedon & Tolkien. No money is being made here, it's all in good fun.
Summary: Elladan and Elrohir aren't in the habit of doing what they're told to do by grandparents they barely know.
Word Count: 675

Carnistir had to smother a smile when a disgruntled pair of twins stalked onto the terrace and took seats as if they had more than a passing acquaintance with anyone at the table but Miryo, who wasn’t even attempting to his own amusement.

His mother’s face lit up. Carnistir sympathized, but that particular scowl on Turvo had always meant trouble, and the twins bore more than a passing resemblance to him.

It was just as well they had extra chairs - Silmë and Lindë weren’t about yet, and Lindë would want to see them, too. She was still getting used to the notion of having grandchildren.

“Anariel is in fine form this morning, I take it?” Miryo asked wryly.

“She will no doubt claim she won this morning’s match,” one twin said with a scowl.

“With some right,” the other pointed out. “It’s hardly her fault it was interrupted. Or that our grandfather Nolofinwë has odd notions. You’re going to have to show her. Not that someone else won’t if you don’t.”

“Yet we are the ones dismissed like erring younglings,” the first one finished, ignoring his brother’s interruption. “While she is simply invited to go for a walk with grandfather Arafinwë!”

“Atto, the one on the right magnificently ignoring that of course every grandparent they have will be trying to indulge his smallest sister is Elrohir, the one on the left and in a considerably better mood is Elladan.”

“Considerably better might be an overstatement,” Elladan snorted. “We were both dismissed. And we were on the same team.”

Carnistir remembered this feeling of being lost fairly well, as Ambarussa used to cause it frequently.

“They were sparring,” Miryo explained for the benefit of father and grandmother alike.

“With Anariel?” Ammë asked, sounding scandalized. “Boys, you’re-”

“Regularly trounced by their little sister,” Miryo finished wryly. “She was already a remarkably effective fighter when she returned from California, and has not grown less so with the passing of the years.”

“I thought you did not approve of the masters who taught her in California?” Carnistir asked.

“I did not approve of their methods, and some of their teaching has proved vexing in the extreme,” Miryo admitted. “But she was not given the epessë Slayer because she is little and adorable.”

“She’ll be charmed to hear you think her so,” Elrohir snickered.

“More like astonished,” Elladan murmured.

“Were you the only victims this morning?” Miryo asked.

“No, Grandfather let Eöl see the error of his ways first,” Elrohir smirked. “Then it was all the rest of us against her and Maeglin.”

“She was going to win,” Elladan informed his brother. “The only question was whether Maeglin was going to still be in when she did.”

“And you were dismissed why?” Carnistir asked.

“Apparently our grandfather wanted to scold Uncle Eöl in peace.”

“I don’t think that will work very well,” Elrohir said thoughtfully. “I’m suspect once Aunt Trouble gets wind of it, he’ll be the one being told off.”

Carnistir couldn’t help the coughing fit at ‘Aunt Trouble’. He was going to get so much mileage out of that. They all were, really. Even Ammë was trying not to laugh.

“At least Grandfather Arafinwë shows more sense,” Elladan offered. “He did not try scolding Grandfather.”

“Yet,” Elrohir pointed out, a gleeful expression oh his face as he contemplated it.

Carnistir didn’t have the heart to tell the boy that betting against Uncle Ara being fairly effective if he had been bothered enough to put his foot down wasn’t wise.

Ro, you still haven’t shown me where the armory is!

Everyone at the table heard her. Ammë looked startled. Carnistir was surprised himself - and wondered if Anariel had meant to be so loud.

To his further astonishment, both twins smirked. He would have thought the reminder about the loss would set Elrohir off anew.

“I hope Uncle Eöl seizes the distraction,” Elladan said serenely.

“I hope Grandfather Nolo tries to keep her away from it,” Elrohir snickered.

“Boys, stop wishing more trouble on your poor grandfather,” Ammë said firmly.

!2022 august event, author: grundy, fandom: lord of the rings

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