Aaaaand I'm officially done with 2009. All exam results have been posted, and I passed all my classes. *high fives self for excellent team work*
I love UiO for posting stats with the exam results. This has intrigued me ever since my first semester~ So here's the stats from the classes I took last semester. I left out numbers of failed students, though.
About the graphs; 'Antall' = 'Number of students', 'Karakter' = 'Grade'
ENG1304 - American Literature, an introduction
I passed with a C.
Sooo perfectly average on that one. I thought I'd do better, but my head wasn't with me at all on the exam. :/ That's why four hour school exams suck.
ENG1100 - English Grammar, an introduction (You know,
this exam)
I passed with a C.
Again tells me that I'm a perfectly average student. Yaaay. Pretty happy with this, because I found this subject very demanding. Lots of theory and grammatical terms to memorise, plus you need to be able to practice what you learn... It was rough, I'm glad I'm average at it! XD
ENG1103 - English Phonetics and Intonation, An Introduction (You know,
this stuff)
I passed with a B.
Figures that the one subject I found absolutely ridiculous was the one I did the best in. Juuuust typical. I guess this means I'm good at memorising useless information? Huzzah.
So where does this leave me?
I was able to complete and pass all my subjects this semester :o It's been a while since I've been able to do that, and it makes me feel awesome. I've never been good at having to focus on multiple things at once, and here I'm able to pass three different subjects and keep a job at the same time 8D I know it may not seem like much to most of you, but it's a pretty big deal for me.
I have done 225 credits worth of subjects at UiO. A Bachelor's Degree is 180 credits, so I should have been done long ago, but oh lol. This is what happens when you can't make up your mind about what you want to do, and do a couple of bad choices along the way. No matter.
I've spent 9 semesters at UiO, and think/hope that this 10th will be my last one.
I owe about 200.000NOK ($35200) to lånekassen. Wohooo. Can't wait to start paying off my student loan. Olol. I can console myself with the fact that I'm not half a million in debt as some of my co-workers are. That's what you get for attending a private college, I guess @_@ omg. A lot of the money I've received from lånekassen has been transferred over as scholarship money (because I've been passing my classes), so I don't have to pay that back. Yaaay. But... I still need to pay back about 200.000.. my future will be interesting :P